The Student Capstones, Theses, Thesis Projects, & Dissertations Collection compiles Winona State University student works listed in our Department student collections.
Capstones, Theses, & Dissertations from 2024
Trauma-Informed Care within Neurodivergent Populations, Adrianna Black
Close to Home, Closer to Fun: Bringing Local Customers Back to Metropolis Resort, Kate Burhop
Recovery Heros: Recruiting Recovery Coaches and Peer Support Specialists at the Coulee Recovery Center, Sascha S. Cromheecke
More to Roar about - Push the Pathway: Approval of the Mass Communication Pathway at Normandale Community College, Sally Dufner
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Social Anxiety in Adolescents, April Fohrman
Reaching college readiness: Barriers and effective Interventions for parents and students of low socioeconomic status, Kailee Johnson
Improving Employee Relations and Communications at the Wabasha Developmental Achievement Center, Kilee Jones
Religion, Spirituality, and Sexual Minority Identity Development, Jake C. Kirschner
Horticulture Interventions Impact on Eating Disorder Symptoms, Taylor Kline
Exploring the Interrelationship Between Anxiety, Academic Apathy, and Avoidance in Community College Students, Katey R. Leverson
The Long-Term Effects of the Negative Stereotypes on Black Women, Ashley L. Mock
Early Support and Home-based Interventions for Children Affected by Bipolar Disorder in Parents, Maria Mylonaki
Supporting LGBTQ+ Students in Rural Schools: Strategies for School Counselors to Enhance Protective Factors, Madison J. Nelson
Utilizing Teaching Strategies to Create Productive Coaches: Teaching Competencies for Student-Athlete Development, Marina D. Niehoff
Data Analytics: Role of Technology in College Sport Training, Quentin Pringle
Arcade Reboot: Using Nostalgia Marketing to Fund a Passion Project, Jen Riemenschneider
Retention of Employees in Student Affairs positions in Private Higher Education, LaNita Robinson
Transition Programs for New Nurses in Practice, Karissa Sandland
Recruiting Alzheimer's Association Volunteers from All Walks of Life, Hailey Seipel
Adolescent Dieting and Eating Disorders: Considerations for Counselors, Josephine Sticha
The Efficacy of Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy: A Literature Review, Erica Thiem
Capstones, Theses, & Dissertations from 2023
An Investigation into the Factors Influencing Adolescent E-cigarette Initiation, Dariyan R. Adams
College Administrator Experiences: A Phenomenological Study of Higher Education Leadership in American Prisons, Donavan Bailey
Working With Students from Low Socioeconomic Families: What Can School Counselors do?, Rachel S. Bluhm
Social and Emotional Development of Toddlers Post-COVID-19 Pandemic, Alice M. Bygd
Divorce and Family Therapy: The Negative Effects of High Conflict Divorce and the Most Effective Interventions for Counselors, Gregory S. Ferriss
A Quality Improvement Project to Reduce Rates of Deep Sternal Wound Infections among Adult Cardiovascular Surgery Patients with a Sternotomy Approach, Cole Gatzke and Samantha Porcher
A Framework for Culturally Responsive Lesson Design, Dedrick Griffin
Professional Development for Educators on Emotional Regulation and Functions of Behavior, Amanda C. Harmon
Nurse Leader Burnout: The Impact From the COVID-19 Pandemic, Chelsey P. Hinrichs, Brittany Huneke, and Ali Marty Rodningen
Creating Student Leaders: Strategies for Midwest College, Ryan Hollibaugh
Ongoing Challenges and Success Stories of Title IX Compliance in the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference: A Qualitative Study, Louis W. Hurd
Strategies to Increase Job Satisfaction in Remote Finance Urban Healthcare Workers, Kenna Johnson
Lack of Multicultural Representation in Children’s Literature and Societal Attitudes on Youths’ Self-Perception, Ellen Knutson
Success for Graduation and Beyond: College Counseling Advocacy Skills That Target the Needs of First-Generation College Students, Meriel LaForce
Implementing Standardized Nursing Assistant Exam Practices Across Multiple Campuses, Brady T. Malecha
Decisions Athletic Directors Face When Allocating Funds in an Athletic Department, Joseph Mueller
Demystifying Music Therapy: Applications Over the Lifespan, Barry C. Nelson
Barriers, Motivation, and Interventions for Women with Substance Use Disorders During Pregnancy, Sarah Novinska
Lack of Counseling Services Among Adults Aged 50 and Greater, Madalyn Olson
Dementia Diagnosis and Personality Change, Molly Pavek
Exploring Perinatal Mental Health: Navigating Challenges and Support for Women of Color, Chloey R. Pestorious
Evaluation Tools for Undergraduate Nursing Student Performance in Simulated Learning Experiences: A Literature Review, Katie Pettibone
Adult Post-Cardiac Surgery Deep Sternal Wound Infections, Samantha Porcher and Cole Gatzke
Efficacy of Mental Health Interventions for Physicians: A Literature Review, Rebecca Rudolph
Concrete Representational Abstract: The Exploration and Implementation of This Strategy for Teaching Mathematics in an Elementary School, Gregory A. Schaitel
Implications for Counseling High School Student Athletes in a School Setting, Tristan Schmidtknecht
Implementing Minnesota American Indian Tribe State Standard in Suburban Minnesota Ecology Curriculum, Sadie R. Spaeth
Barriers to Help-Seeking Behavior for Individuals with Suicidal Ideations & Previous Suicide Attempts, Rachael M. Vlasak
Perceived Impact of MTSS Coaches on Tier 2 Reading Intervention Fidelity, Kari Vollrath
Novice Nurse Educator Perceptions and Integration of Academic Nurse Educators' Core Competencies: A Qualitative Case Study, Shelley Wolfe
Capstones, Theses, & Dissertations from 2022
Efficacy and Acceptability of Cranial Electrical Stimulation for Patients with Chronic Anxiety and Coexisting Substance Use Disorder, Susan Bothun and Jimy Chun
Midwest University Coach Perspectives on Student-Athlete Recruitment During Unprecedented Disruption, Jonah Bradley
Bispectral Index (BIS) Monitor: Applying the Evidence for Appropriate Application and Use, Mandy Christensen-Geraci and Becky Templin
An Evidence--Based Intervention: Use of Visual Aids for Patient Education During Bedside Team Rounding, Kristin Clifford and Shay Gruber
Mental Health in Rural Communities: Barriers and Solutions to Access, Andrea DuCharme
Implementing and evaluating a mentorship program for new graduate nurses in a medical-surgical unit: A quality improvement pilot, Nicholas Dull, Jennifer Jakobe, Carol Reichel, and Sonja Meiers
Contact Center Healthcare Worker Stress Levels During Times of Rapid Change, Christine Dvorak
Reducing Employee Burnout: The Role of Organizations, Aixa E. Evenson
Teachers’ Use of Email for Communication with Students’ Families, Matthew Ferry
Effects on Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Public Schools, Abby Golish
A Clinical Dashboard to Reduce Missed Opportunities to Measure Dialysis Adequacy, Kassandra J. Goodman, Cora L. Wilson, and Ann R. Loth
Stroke Patient Outcomes When Fever Is Present, Anthony Grant
Cardiac Telehealth Rehabilitation: Empowering the Patient, Alexander James Schmidt Hoff
Navigating Covert Exploitation: Treatment Considerations for Counseling Human Trafficking Survivors, Lindsey Holper
The Rural Education Leadership Experience Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspectives of School Principals and Staff, Brennan J. Kent
Trauma-Informed Care in the Emergency Department, Kayla Kvell and Kristin Oscarson
Collegiate Football Players Perception of the COVID-19 Virtual College Experience, Cole L. LaLiberty
The Impact of Surviving Suicide Loss on Adolescent Psychosocial Development, Sophie Leonard
The Impact of Student Trauma: A Quantitative Investigation on Secondary Traumatic Stress and It's Effects on Nursing Faculty, Devon L. Luthens
Social Isolation Interventions for Older, Underrepresented and Vulnerable Americans: A Descriptive Study of Public Library Outreach Services During the COVID Pandemic, Sally Mathews Inglett
Leading the Social Development of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Para-Educator Perspectives, Michelle Morehouse
Supporting Children Impacted by Parental Addiction: A Toolkit for Kinship Caregivers, Nicole Mueller and Jaimee Kudrle
Music Intervention and its Effect on State Anxiety: An Integrative Literature Review, Courtney Olek
Examining Consent Education as a Preventative Measure for Sexual Violence, Harassment, and Bullying in Adolescents, Alexis Olson
Graduate Student Perceptions of Academic Advising During a Global Pandemic, Carson L. Perry
Effective Treatment Modalities, Recommendations, and Desired Outcomes for Adolescents with Co-Occurring Disorders, Madelynn J. Revord
Sizeism--What Multicultural Education & Training are Missing, Jen Rynes
Therapeutic Potential of Hypnotherapy to Treat Substance Use, Theresa Sanchez
Leader Actions in Implementing Social Emotional Learning Programs in K-12 Schools, Thomas Sawyer
Adolescent Trauma: The Effects on Development and Interventions to Help, Allison Skrentny
Teacher Perception of Implicit Mindset and its Influence on Math Instruction in Elementary Classrooms, Danielle E. Tamke
Acute Kidney Injury: Evaluating Risk Factors in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patients, Jennifer Tenley, Pamela Millin, and Austyn Franklin
The Role of Coaches to Assist Collegiate Student-Athletes for a Career After Athletics, Austin Thiessen
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health of College Aged Students, Melissa Vieth, Mindy Binder, and Faythe Bauer
The Effects of Social Media on Internalizing Disorders in Adolescents, Deziree Wiegmann
An Exploration of Rock-Climbing Based Counseling Interventions, Leeann Wilcox
Play Therapy and Academic Achievement, Erica Woodruff
Capstones, Theses, & Dissertations from 2021
COVID-19’s Influence on Mental Health Among Collegiate Student-Athletes, Jacob Balliu
Mindfulness Based Therapy Used in Treatment for Secondary and College Students Who Identify as LGBTQ, Ross Beattie
Commonalities Between Urban Mental Health and Rural Mental Health, Casey Bohlman
Negotiating Multilingual Writer Identity in the Dissertation: International Perspectives on Language and Writing Practices, A. Brooke Boulton
Implementing a Standardized Lost and Found Procedure at Mayo Clinic, Andra Boyum
Implementation of a Zoom Toolkit for Web-Based, Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs, Samantha Brown and Julie Shelton
How Does Different Level of Questioning Impact Student Performance, Engagement, and Motivation in a 6th Grade Science Classroom?, Mia Bruesewitz
Encouraging Young African American and Hispanic Women to Choose STEM Disciplines, Augustine Brutus
The Results of Child Sexual Abuse and How They Can be Mitigated, Joy Buchman
COVID-19: Does the Timing of Intubation Affect Overall Outcomes, Jennifer Burvee
Best Practices to Prevent or Delay Diabetes in Adults with Prediabetes, Aminata Cham
Parental Influences on Their Child’s Education and Their Success in School, Rachel Crosby
Improving Outcomes for Sexual Assault Patients in Alignment with HIV nPEP Clinical Guidelines, Maria Dahlke and Rachel Kanz
Pedagogic Recontextualization in Health Science Education During a Global Pandemic: Faculty Perspectives on Instructional Adaptations, Kara R. De La Fosse
Strategies for Increasing Attendance for Identified Student Populations via Online Engagement Methods During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Catherine Douglas
Language Arts Acquisition Rates of English Language Learners during Multi-Modal Instruction during COVID, Deborah S. Dow
IT Security Technology and Staffing Investments for Small and Mid-Sized Healthcare Organizations in Response to Increased Threats, Dylan Dudlext
Principal Leadership Strategies in Addressing Teacher Recruitment and Retention in Rural Schools, Amanda Durnen
Mental Health Concerns in Graduate Students: Implications and Effective Interventions, Brody Fanshaw
New Graduate Nurse Retention Strategies: An Integrative Literature Review, Amy Fiala
Educating 21st Century Technology Career Professionals: Perspectives on Soft Skills, Scott A. Fillman
Developing an Early Mobility Nurse-Led Protocol in Critical Care Patients, Anne Flicek
Addressing Psychosocial Outcomes of Social Isolation in Older Adults, Megan Friesen and Madeline M. Christensen
Barriers to, and Facilitators of, Patient Self-Management of Chronic Conditions: An Integrative Literature Review, Shari Frueh
A Bundled Approach to Integrative Care for Peripherally Inserted Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Cannula Insertion Site, Kelly Garaffa and Mickey Amos
Impact of Brain Breaks on Student Engagement, Motivation, and Achievement in a Third-Grade Classroom, Adrianna Gernes
Remote Working and its Impact on Employee Job Satisfaction During COVID-19, Marissa Grant
Prelicensure Nursing Students’ Perceptions of a Rapid Transition to an Online Learning Environment, Elizabeth Green, Victoria Mrwoka, and Jacqueline Savalle
Multicultural Considerations for Latinx and Latinx-American Children in Play Therapy, Andrea Carolina Guerrero LeĂłn
Instructional Strategies and Rigor: Private School Administrator and Teacher Perspectives on Improving Minnesota’s College Mathematic Readiness, Nichelle Guillaume
Preparing PK-8 Teachers to Engage in Discussions Regarding Race, McKenzie Hallstrom
Virtual student engagement through the admissions process, Sonya Hernandez
Improving Data Collection and Documentation in a Post-Discharge Follow-Up Phone Call Program, Lindsay Horihan and Tasha Flicek
Improving Data Collection and Documentation within a Post-Hospital Discharge Follow-Up Phone Call Program, Lindsay Horihan and Tasha Flicek
Poverty in Schools: The Impact of Poverty on School Readiness for Kindergarteners, Emily Inglett
An Analysis of 7th Grade US History Students and the Desire to Participate in Academic Dishonesty in a Forced Hybrid Learning Model, Alexander Jelacic
The Effects of Mindful Yoga Instruction on Participants' Academic Stamina and Self-Regulation in a Kindergarten Classroom, Taylor Jeppson
The Impacts of Ability Grouping and Project Based Learning in STEM, Andrea Johnson
Educating for Sustainable Forestry: Perspectives on the Career Readiness of New Professionals, Samantha Jones
Caring Calls: A Weekly Phone Call Intervention and the Correlation with Loneliness in Rural Dwelling Adults, Abigail Jumbeck, Jennifer Timm, Mieca Valen, and Chris Malone
Essential Library Services for College Students in the Time of Social Distancing, Wail M. Kailani
Incarcerated People with Co-Occurring Disorders, Nikki Ketzeback
Advocating for Palliative Care in the Intensive Care Unit: A Nursing Approach, Andrea Kirk and Erin Leach
Importance of Coaches' Communication: A Pathway to Understanding the Effect on High School Female Athletes and Body Image, Michelle Kraemer
Effectiveness of an Online Intervention Combating Mental Health Stigma on Adolescent Help-Seeking Behaviors, Chelsea Krayecki
How Can Coaches Properly Prepare Student-Athletes for a Career After Athletics?, Joel Krenz
Pine Technical and Community College Policy Alignment Project, Amy Kruse
DNP Proposal: Implementing Staff Education to Reduce Stress and Increase Resiliency, Samantha Lambert and Mariana Corpus
Implementing Staff Education to Reduce Stress and Increase Resilience, Samantha Lambert, Mariana Corpus, Sherry Chesak, Susanne M. Cutshall, Diane M. Forsyth, and Habibo A. Haji
Relapse Prevention Planning with Clients, Grace E. Larsen
How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Changed the Well-Being and Athletic Identity of Collegiate Student-Athletes?, Malissa LeClaire
Gamification, Game-Based Learning, and Student Engagement in Education, Alan May
Relationship Building Communication Between Female Student-Athletes and Coaching Staff, Hannah McGlone
Student Perceptions of Advising for Retention at a Midwestern Technical College, Joseph Mollner
Principals’ Perception on Teacher Evaluations during the 2020-2021 School Year, Luke Mosiman
Immigrant Learning in Community Colleges: Unpacking Student Experiences in Minnesota, Abdulrazzaq S. Mursal
Risk Stratification for Acute Heart Failure in the Emergency Department, Danika M. Nelson
Abrupt Changes in Learning Platforms During a Pandemic, Nicole Nelson and Katie M. Villont
Mindfulness Effectiveness on Strengthening Functional Coping Skills in College Students, Tea Mirkovic Olsen
Calming Station: Mindfulness Breathing Techniques and Yogic Stretches to Promote Self- Regulation, Anna Olson
Effects of Flex Periods on High School Student Failure Rates, Michael Ongie
Leadership Strategies to Support Resilience, Katee Paine
The Efficacy of Tocilizumab as a Therapeutic Treatment for SARS-CoV-2 Infections: An Integrative Literature Review, Amanda Vancene Peterson
What Aspects of Teaching Generate Burnout in Teachers with Five or Less Years of Experience?, Paige Peterson
The Impact of Explicit Teaching of Emotions in a Second Grade Classroom, Shaina Pine
Early Mobility in the Intensive Care Unit: An Integrative Review on Safe Practices, Jessica Poehler
Orthorexia: When Healthy Eating Becomes Problematic, Courtney R. Retzlaff
Rethinking Recidivism: Considerations for Counselors Working with Adult Clients in Sex Offender Treatment, Claire Richards
Therapeutic Potential of Psychedelic Drugs, Specifically Magic Mushrooms, Marijuana, and MDMA with Veterans Who Suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Misty Schutterle
Teacher Led Tier Two Intervention to Increase Student Academic Achievement, Cynthia Shepherd
Pathways to Retention of Alternatively Licensed Special Education Teachers, Meghan W. Sinning
The Effects of the Gradual Release of Responsibility Framework on Student Metacognition During Collaborative Work Time, Kyle R. Skillings
Relationship between Servant Leadership Style and Teacher Job Satisfaction and Retention, Morgan Stamschror
Meaning Making In Grief Counseling, Lindsey Stuhr
Supporting Trauma-Affected Students in the Secondary Setting, Shandi Taylor
Facing A New Normal: Uncovering the Psychological Effects of Loneliness on Student Mental Health, Courtney Thoreson
Developing a Resiliency Bundle for Home Care Nurses, Candace Unger
How Do General Education Teachers Feel Prepared to Teach Individuals with Autism in the Classroom, Colin Valley
The Utility of Masks as Protection Against Viral Respiratory Illnesses in Healthcare Workers, Brian Van Wie
Where is the Light? Fighting the Darkness of Substance Abuse and Suicide., Jessica Wacholz
Literature That Breaks Gender Stereotypes in a Primary Classroom, Alexis Wash
The Development, Implementation, and Assessment of a Stress Management Group Counseling Curriculum for Gifted Middle School Students, Chelsey Windl
Implementation of the Centor Score in the Assessment of Pharyngitis in an Atypical Setting During a Pandemic, Holly C. Wright
Education Effectiveness of Recognizing Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in a Long-Term Care Facility, Xie Zhonghua, Lisa Ertman, Carole Jenson, Kimberly Langer, and Kristi Petersen
Capstones, Theses, & Dissertations from 2020
Intergenerational Trauma, Ruqia Abdirahman
A Pilot Study on the Retention and Turnover of NCAA Division II Sports Information Directors, David Albrecht
The Implementation of Spirituality in School Counseling, Molly Attoe
Transformation Leadership and Youth Development Soccer Coaches: Behaviors that Enhance Coaching Performance, Diego Barros dos Santos
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Attendance Interventions for Schools, Bailey Biggerstaff
Examining Sense of Belonging and Academic Success for Undergraduate Chinese Students, Kurt Bolstad
Hospital to Home: Fall Prevention Interventions for the Discharging Patient, Joy Bridewell
Improving Nurse Knowledge and Comfort in Advance Care Planning, Hajrudina Brkic and Marisia Young
Managing Nursing Incivility: An Integrative Literature Review, Tina Carlson
A Phenomenological Approach on Communication Experiences between Strength and Conditioning Coaches and Head Sport Coaches, Benjamin Charles
Fear of Recurrence in Ovarian Cancer Survivors and Their Spouses, Brandon R. Crouley and Jennifer L. Skaden
An Innovative Approach for Type 2 Diabetes Education, Rachel Domagala
Impact of Homeless Youth: How Does it Affect School Development?, Rena Dornfeld
Counseling Adolescents with Chronic Physical Chronic Conditions, Holly Dwyer
Autonomy and the Patient’s Perspective on Physician-Assisted Suicide, Anna Dykhuis
Managing Change to Impact Training and Affect the Experience of Physicians Using Speech Recognition Technology, Tom Endrizzi and Rick Fricker
Influences of Coach Leadership Related to Nutrition on Collegiate Student Athletes Dietary Choices, Maria Fruechte
Professional Development for the 21st Century Teacher: Supporting Teachers in a 1:1 9-12 Classroom, Steven Gilbertson
Leadership Strategies: Developing Millennial Entrepreneurs for Start-up Micro-gyms, Esdeina Gonzalez
Effectiveness of Order Sets in the Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemia, Steven Gort
Adolescent Substance Use Identification and Early Interventions: A Guide for School Counseling Professionals, Olivia Gullickson
PPE Compliance and Knowledge Among Healthcare Staff, Beatrice Hagert and Nicole Krummel
Nonprofit Women Rising in Leadership: Strategies for Identifying Barriers, Ellen Hegge
Lean Leadership in Research, Dania Helgeson
It Takes A Village: Engaging Families to Support Student Transitioning Into A New School, Michael R. Hutchins
The Effects of Bibliotherapy on Students Experiencing Grief, Loss, and Trauma, Laura Jensen
Stress and Burnout in Nurse Leaders, Laura E. Johnson, Kiersten J. Nichols, and Jayme A. Sakhitab
The Modernization of Sales Training for Generation Z Students, Samuel Kanthak
DNP Proposal: Delirium Prevention Protocol, Aaron Klein and Julia Kvam
History of the Iowa High School Speech Association Research Project, Amanda Knox
Implementation of the Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric as a Progress Review Tool, Lydia Lazzara
Implementation of a Palliative Care Program in Rural Minnesota, Barbara Lenarz
An Integrative Review of Early Ambulation's Effects on Vascular Complications Four Hours Post-Femorial PCI, Mackenzie Lucca
Developing Mentoring Relationships Among Collegiate Coaches Using Developmental Leadership Strategies, Lawren McKinney
Childhood Trauma and Attachment, Marcia Mihalovic
The Internet and LGBTQ+ Identity Formation in Adolescents and Young Adults, Margaret Morris
Racial Inequity and the Achievement Gap, Ari Mwatela
Mindfulness Awareness and Leadership Self-Efficacy in Current and Potential Leaders, Kitra J. Nelson
Interpersonal Relationships and Attachment Style Among Substance - Dependent Individuals, Ashlee Newhart
Virtual Recruitment Resource Guide, Elizabeth Niehaus
Advancing Higher Education: Strategic Leadership for Chief Advancement Officers, Matthew Ohs
Current Sex Offender Laws: Are They Doing More Harm Than Good?, Gail Onderak
Developing a Total Knee Care Pathway to Reduce Hospital Length of Stay While Maintaining Quality of Care, Katie Pace
Cardiac Resuscitation Training: An Integrative Literature Review, Dominick Pahl
A Case for Delirium Risk Prediction Models to Aid in Triaging Resources to those Most at Risk an Integrative Literature Review, Tammy Perttula
High School Athletic Administration’s Policies and Rights to Sanction Student-Athlete’s Social Media Use, Eric S. Peterson
Shifting Parents from Respondents to Partners: New Paths to School Involvement, Andrew S. Pierskalla
Preferred Leadership Styles of Coaches: Collegiate Athletes’ Perception of Quality Coaches, Paul Preston
Simulation in Nursing Education: A Literature Review on Debriefing, Rebecca Rausch
Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in Adults: An Integrative Review, Julie Sanger
Leadership Change for Athletic Academic Advisors Serving Student-Athletes with Self-Reported Mental Health Issues, Tyler Schoh
Nursing Practice and the Prevention of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections, Laura Sherburne
The History, Prevalence, and Implications of Burnout in Medical Residents, Zoey Smith
Benefits of Palliative Care in the Intensive Care Unit, Stephen Swenson and Stephen M. Swenson
Impact, Prevalence of Cognitive Overload and Athlete Burnout: Division II Athletics, Luke Teague
An Escape Room for Sepsis Education, Brit Voshage and Autumn Leigh Cole
Elective Course Choice as a Factor in K12 Graduation Rates, Matthew Wagner
Sustainable Journalism Education: A Curriculum Review and Revision of the Winona State Journalism Program, Doug Westerman
Capstones, Theses, & Dissertations from 2019
Parental Incarceration: The Childs Rights and Needs, Adam T. Bahr
School Counselor Self-Care Practices as Mitigating Factors Regarding Professional Burnout, Kelsie Brand
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health: Relationship-based Interventions for At-risk Families, Britney Brennan
Counseling Interventions for Native American Adolescents, Kathryn Burger
Approaches to Enchancing Family Satisifaction with Care of Persons Hospitalized in Intensive Care Receiving End-of-Life Care: An Integrative Review, Chelsea J. Dahl and Elizabeth M. Turba
Building Resilience Through Strengths-Based Learning During Graduate Study Abroad: An Exploratory Study, Chelsea K. Dresen, Matthew L. Wilmes, Karen R. Sullivan, and Theresa A. Waterbury
Assessment and Evaluation of Anti-Racist, Feminist Training in Counselor, Kyle E. Dufek
Adolescents Amount of Sleep in Relation to Emotional and Behavioral Regulation, Stephanie Emanuel
Developing Self-Awareness in Counseling Professionals, La Green
Impactful Mentoring of Women Graduate Students: Guiding the Development of Leadership Behaviors, Ashley N. Greig and Barbara Holmes
Rethinking Elementary Physical Education: Creating Time for Physical Activity, Adam B. Hanson
Efficacy of the ABCDE Bundle in Reducing Delirium in Critically Ill Patients: An Integrative Literature Review, Leah Hanson
School Counselor Advocacy for Transgender Youth, Autumn Hayes
The Whole Parent: An Evaluation of Parental Interventions, Elizabeth Hellenbrand
Where Have All the Teachers Gone? A Look at Teacher Attrition in the U.S., Kimberly Hill
Adolescents in Alternative Education Settings, Carly Houlihan
Business Leaders’ Strategies for Addressing Employee Turnover and Promoting Stability, ke huang
Inclusive Classrooms, Meghan Ihrke
Suicide, Associated Factors, and Treatment Recommendations for Youth Who Identify as LGTBQ, Natalie Jech
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Health and Equity in the United States, Shannon Jezusko
Leading Change in Fresh Food Access: Increasing Food Security Through Urban Agriculture, Kelly Rae Kirkpatrick
Utilizing a Trauma Informed Approach to Build Resiliency in Underrepresented College Students, Marie Lindloff
Counselor Self-Disclosure: The Impact of Disclosing Mental Health Clients, Katelyn Longmire
They Don't Know I Want to Die: Can Parents Predict Child Suicidality?, Jamie Matson
Effects of Family Treatment Drug Court on Reunification of Families Involved with Child Protection, Carrie Meiners
Study Abroad Strengths-Based Curriculum: Advancing Self-Reflection and Relationship-Building Leadership Skills, Elizabeth Moldenhauer, Melissa Osland, and Theresa A. Waterbury
Effects of Discrimination on Transgender Populations, Katherine R. Moyer
ASCA National Model Implementation and Discipline Disparities in Schools, Abigail Mundy
Implementing Whanau Ora Interventions in Postvention Response to Suicide Ideation, attempts, or Completion of Maori in Rural Communities: A Therapuetic Group Manual, Elizabeth F. Murphy
Trauma: Integrating Play Therapy and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Theresa Odden
Yoga Intervention Benefits and School Setting Applications, Jessica L. H. Olson
Domestic Deathcare: The Effect of Home Funerals on the Grieving Process, Eva Pitsch
Counseling Children from Single Parent Households, Lauren Praska
Considerations for Supporting Homeless Adoslescents, Megan Reyes
The Effects of Bullying on Identity, Fortino Rodriguez Sanchez
Supporting Success for Children from Single-Parent Homes, Casey Scheuerell
Mindfulness-Based Practices for School Aged Children with Anxiety, Bethany Schmitt
The Impact of Childhood Trauma on the Brain & Interventions for the School Counselor, Chelsea Scott
The Effects of Parental Involvement on Student Achievement: Implications for Students with Absent Parents, Molly Serum
The Importance of a Positive School Climate for LGBTQ Students: A School Counselor's Role, Amanda Sievers
Prevalence and Treatment for Eating Disorders in Young Athletes, Tessa Solberg
Well-Being in Correlation to Job Satisfaction in Millennials, Danielle Sommerfeldt
A Literature Review of Nurse Leaders Characteristics to Support Empowerment and Engagement, Jean J. Stavenau
STEM and Adolescent Girls, Brittany Elizabeth Stein
How to Promote Neuroplasticity Following Trauma, Elizabeth Thiel
The Gottman Method, Narrative Therapy, and Psychodynamic Approach in Counseling Interracial Couples, Hannah P. Tong
Perceived Stress in Undergraduate Nursing Students, Emily Vore, Abbie McGee, and Amy Henderson
Capstones, Theses, & Dissertations from 2018
Stress, Resilience, and Well-Being in Undergraduate Nursing Students, Brittany L. Borhart, Megan R. Panek, and Jamie L. Waldera
Social Support Among Hispanic Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: Strategies for Improvement and Effects on A1C and BMI, K. Byrd-Kranz and G. Garcia-Lopez
School's Impact on Immigrant Students' Self-Identity, Chris Caduff
Palliative Care Services for Hematopoietic Cell Transplanation, Matthew H. Clark
An Analysis of the Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity among Somali and Hispanic Immigrants, Katie Eldred, Mihaella Bozadjieva, and Jada Langer
Bone Density Changes Over Time in a Cohort of Perimenopausal Women: A Retrospective Study, Holly Fratzke, Leanne Markos, and Lori Miskell
Counseling Sexual Assaulted Adolescents and Young Adults, Luann Gregorich
Building Resilience in Nurse Leaders to Prevent Burnout: An Integrative Review, Suzanne J. Hanson
Childhood Obesity and Absenteeism: Implications for School Leaders, Kyle Johnson
Workplace Mental Health: Toolkit Usability Study of Midwestern Business Leaders, Julie Kiehne
Addiction in the Workplace: Prevention, Detection, and Treatment Options, Kacie Lovas
Building Community among Distance Learning Graduate Students​, Erin Meyer
Impacts Interpersonal Relationships in the Perpetuation of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Jade Miles
The Effects of Volunteer Activities on Service-Learning Outcomes in Baccalaureate Nursing Students, Jessica Nelson and Sara Roslansky
Addressing Student Motivation in the School Setting, Hanna Niccum
Treating Incarcerated Women with Co-Occurring Disorders, Jennifer Nichols
Positive and Negatives Outcomes of Social Media in Adolescents, Emily A. Norton
Impact of Education: Use of Violence Screening and Intervention Tool in the ED, M. Nyantaroka, B. Nyaosi, and H. Omweri
Binge Eating Disorder, Kristin Olsen
Success for Every Child: The Impact of Teacher Perceptions on Student Achievement, Sarah K. Pease
Suicide Prevention and Response in the College Setting, Emily Peterson
School Refusal Among Adolescents: An Exploration of Cause and Interventions, Stacy Quam
Best-Practice Treatment Approaches for Working with Survivors of Sexual Assault, Anne Marie Riddle
Mental Health Counselors and Vicarious Trauma, Nicole Sobkowiak
Implementing a Trauma-sensitive School Approach, Janelle Studnicka
An Interprofessional Clinical Education Model Serving Students, Faculty, and Community, J. Timm
The Impact of Animal Assisted Therapy in Elementary Schools, Nathan Tuma
Stress, Resilience, and Well-Being in Undergraduate Nursing Students, Jamie Waldera, Brittany L. Borhart, and Megan R. Panek
Character Education in High School Athletics: Activities Director’s Role, Andrew P. Weiers
Capstones, Theses, & Dissertations from 2017
A Preparatory Letter and Caregiver Conversation Intervention to Decrease Distress and Support Family Engagement When Children are Initiating Proton Beam Therapy, S. Bain and K. Scales
Strategies for Addressing the Impact of Secondary Trauma on Mental Health Professionals, Ashley Bauer
Challenges Radiography Students Face in a Small Midwest Technical College, Valarie Bere
Stratgies that Support Older Adults Living with Chronic Illness to Effectively Self-Manage Their Conditions, Melissa Bertelson, Leah Jensen, and Holly Porter
Student-Athlete Motivation: Are Male College Athletes Intrinsically or Extrinsically Motivated?, Dustin Boll
How the Socialization Norms of Athletics Affects High School Student-Athletes, Hailey Brown
Impacts of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Adult Psychosocial Functioning, Kristen Brown
The 12th Man: A Woman. Inequity in Professional Football Leadership Hiring, Cristy Brusoe
Attitudes Toward Dementia, T. Cowan
Assessment & Access: Considerations When Working with Sex Offenders, Kaitlin Flesch
Internet Gaming and Aggression in Adolescent Males, Michael Forsythe
Developing Evidence-Based Practice, Stacy Friedrich and Tabitha Luedke
A Physical Activity Plan for the Community of Winona, Minnesota, Robert Angelo Giaquinto
Interprofessional Simulation for Violent Patient Behaviors in the Emergency Department, T. Gusenius and W. Krull
Community-Based Diabetes-Screening of a Low English Literacy Population of Minority-Predominant Immigrants and Refugees, C. Hainy, M. Huschka, and J. Nyaenya
Leadership Communication: Why Workplace Appreciate Matters, Kasee N. Hamilton
Evidence of Antimicrobial Stewardship in Treatment of Uncomplicated UTI in Emergency Medicine, P. Heppner
Building the Organizational Leader Brand: Change Agent, Scholar, Thought Leader, Barbara Holmes, Christopher Hahn, and Carson Perry
Evaluation of an Educational Intervention in Advance Care Planning on Community Health Workers, B. Johnson and J. Ulgenes
Physical Activity Integration in Schools: A Review of Benefits to Academics Success and Mental Health Stability, Kayla Kujak
Implementing the Serious Illness Care Program in Primary Care, J. Libbesmeier
The Relationship Between New Possibilities and Concurrent Stressors in Women with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer, Carrie Martinson, Leah Tucker, and Mackenzie Johnson
Risk Factors and Interventions for Suicide Among College Students, Amy McAulay
Crisis Communication in Higher Education, Andrea L. Northam
Wellness Needs for Smith Clinic Health System Community X Employees, Heidi S. Poole
Patient and Caregiver New Medication Education Using tTeach-back, J. Prochnow
Core Values of Sports Teams: What are They and How are They Conveyed?, Eric Raisbeck
Implementation of Advance Care Planning in a Rural Minnesota Long-Term Care Facility, A. Reed
Teacher Perceptions On Digital Personal Learning Networks For Professional Development, Kirsten Richardson
Perceptions on the 45/15 School Calendar - Should Southland School District Adopt?, Ethan Riggin
A Literature Review of the Public Stigma of Mental Illness, Lisa Rogers
Weight Management in Adolescents with Elevated Body Mass Indices and Asthma, Meghann Ryan
Are Cultural Adaptations of ESTs an Appropriate Response to Unfavorable Treatment Outcomes of Ethnic/Cultural minorities? An Appraisal of the Response, David A. Scales
Working with Students Living in Poverty: What Can School Counselors Do?, Krystle Seekamp
Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse: Women in Adulthood, Elizabeth Stiernagle
Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in the School Setting, Katlyn Trumm
Capstones, Theses, & Dissertations from 2016
Comprehension of Counselor Education Course Materials in Online Versus Face-to-Face Courses, Chelsee J. Ahumada
Environmental Enrichment and Substance Use Disorders, John Ambrose
Evaluation of Violence Risk Assessment Tools for Acute Mental Health, Kendra A. Anderson
Promoting Nurse Practitioners in Tanzania: Lessons Learned, K. Bachand and J. Ganong
The Benefits and Challenges of Service-Learning in Undergraduate Nursing Education: Comparing Different Experiences, Michelle E. Benish, Kelsey V. Hermann, and Stephanie P. Mann
Sepsis Screening Tool Implementation on a Neuroscience Medical-Surgical Unit, K. Besemer and J. Mikkelson
Variaiblity in Perceived Family Change, Family Growth, and Family Struggling Among Families Experiencing Chronic Illness, Katherine L. Braaten, Danielle A. Koenig, and Bethaney A. Wescott
First and Second Generation Immigrant Students: Breaking Down the Barriers to K-12 English Language Learner Success, Sarah J. Campbell
Prevention of Risky Sexual Behaviors When Alcohol is Involved for College Females, H. Carlin and E. Rivard
Enhancing Care for Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: An Evidence Based Practice Approach in Rural Minnesota, C. Cook and S. Dahms
Effects of Poverty on Adolescent Mental Health, Morgan Dannecker
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Within a Hispanic-American Population, E. Dyce and K. Switalski
Consequences of the Bystander Effect in Relation to Bullying, Underage Alcohol Consumption, and Suicide/Suicidal Ideation, Dana Erickson
Partnerships for Healthy Ageing: A Secondary Analysis of Nursing Students' Reflective Journals, Tyler Faust, Kayla Jones, and Dawn Newman
Nursing Students' Experiences of the Senior Clinical Preceptorship, Rachel M. Gagliasso, Holly A. Huso, and Tamara L. Supinski
Multidisciplinary Medication Reconciliation in the Hospital Setting: An Evidence-Based Practice Project, A. Glasscock and J. Ramirez
Diabetes Assessment in Ambulatory Surgery, P. Haala
The Effectiveness of Animal Assisted Activity and Animal Assisted Therapy in Reducing Symptoms of Depression, Alexis J. Hauser
Recommendations to Practitioners for Adolescent Clients with a History of Trauma, Keiko L. Heitman
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Amanda Jensen
Communication in the 21st Century: Implications of Counseling in a Digital World, Rebecca Johnson
Mainting Quality While Transitioning to the Dedicated Education Unit (DEU) Model, C. Jones
Current best practice regarding nutritional influences that enchance surgical wound healing, Tracy L. Kiehne
A Content Analysis of How a Learning Environment Influences the Development in Clinical Reasoning in Nurses, Joan M. Krauss and Francis Owusu
Applying the Evidence in Treatment of Acute Uncomplicated Bronchitis in Emergency Medicine, K. Langer and D. Steele
Veteran's Deaths Due to Suicide Have Increased to an Alarming Rate, Jason D. Marquardt
Sexually Transmitted Infection Education and Testing at an Alternative Learning Center Clinic, A. McAlister and J. Richardson
Child Abuse: Signs, Symptoms, and the Role of the School Counselor, Ryan A. McRae
Psychosocial and Psychological Challenges Faces Women Diagnosed with Cancer, Nancy L. Miller
Experiences and Impact of Involvement in Service-Learning for Users of Services, Katheryn L. Munroe
Primary Sources & Historical Understanding in High School American History, Kristina Nelson
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in the Treatment of Co-Occurring Disorders, John Newman
Barriers and Support of Evidence-Based Practice Among Graduate Nursing Students, Kelly Niebeling and Brit Voshage
Wabasha Community Restaurant Nutrition Recommendations, Jaclyn Novak
Identifying Influential Factors of Student-Athlete’s Selection Process Among NCAA Division II Baseball Players, Matt O'Brien
Treating Trauma with Exposure Therapy, Gretchen Otto
Use of Art Therapy in Treating Children with PTSD, Kelly Puent
Integrating Nature into the Helping Professions, Jacob Radtke
Improving Academic Motivation, Whitney Ryan
Perceptions and Choice Theory in Schools and Counseling, Ryan M. Schaller
Propofol Disposal in the Anesthesia Setting: Overcoming Barriers, D. Schneider
Behavioral Activation Therapy in Treating Depression, Brian Strauss
Substance Abuse Prevention Programs: A Review of Risk Factors, Fundamental Program Components and the Coping Power Program, Mary Sussenguth
Families Living in the Crisis of Poverty: Why a Motivational Interviewing Approach Makes Sense, Martha Lyn Thomford
Clinician Mindfulness Practice and the Implications for Burnout Mitigation: Mindfulness as a Values Componenet of Self-Care, Stephanie Wachter-Papenfuss
Clinician Mindfulness Practice and the Implications for Burnout Mitigation: Mindfulness as a Values Component of Self-Care, Stephanie Wachter
Spirituality in Mental Health Counseling, Matthew Welacha
Treatment for Complex Trauma and Substance Abuse for Adult Males in Residential Addiction Treatment, Kristin J. Wilson
The Cycle of Victimization of Incarcerated Women, Michelle Woodworth
Administration Policy Impacts on Counselor Productivity and Overall Job Satisfaction, Bailey Ziemann
Capstones, Theses, & Dissertations from 2015
An Educational Evaluation Using Non-Invasive Interventions to Decrease Work-Related Stress for Staff, M. Anderson and D. Shuey
Intervention Strategies for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Mika Baer
Normal Saline, Lactated Ringers, and Traumatic Hemorrhagic Shock, Catherine H. Bausano
Retention of Personal Care Assistants (PCAS) at Organization X, Sonia M. Bompart Morales
Meaningful Use of the Electronic Health Record in a Community Clinic, Karen Bowers and Karen E. Zuehlke
Effectively combining PBIS and the Nurtured Heart Approach, Erin Bremer
Peer-Mediated Interventions for Students Classified with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Erin M. Burns
Gender Role Conflict and Men's Attitudes Towards Mental Health Counseling, Alcohol Use and Depression, Mario Carrillo
Effects of Childhood Trauma on Students: The Role of School Counselors, Emily R. Dierling
Uncertainty and Appreciation of Life in Women with One Recurrence Versus Two or More Recurrences of Ovarian Cancer: A Secondary Analysis, Cori Duellman Wallerich, Amy Pike, and Paul Tan
Psychological Distress, Personal Strength, and Number of Recurrences in Women with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer, Heidi A. Eisenman and Danielle J. Munsterman
Aromatherapy for Pain Control in Hospitalized Adults, Brittany Eppard
10,000 Voices: Nurses' Perception of Scope of Practice Barriers in a Midwest State, Breanna Estby, Margot Melanson-Arnold, and Amy Ries
Family Vulnerability, Family Change, and Family Financial Concerns Related to the Experience of Chronic Illness, Emily M. Goetzke, Kathryn M. Parks, and Laura J. Peterson
Perceptions of Advanced Care Planning Among Latino Adults in the Community Setting, L. Habicht and E. McLean
Somali Cultural Competence Education: An Intervention for Emergency Department Staff, E. Herrity and J. Onduso
Does Judicial Immunity Serve the Common Good?, Patrick Holt
Supporting College Students with A.D.H.D., Justin Huegel
The Impact of Focused Education on Nurses' Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in Patient Care, Jennifer Johnas, Danielle McAlpine, and Paul Proshek
School Connectedness: An Analysis of Students' Relationship with Their School, Marshall Kading
Mindfulness-Based Practice in Schools, Nicole E. Klein
Emotional Freedom Techniques: Tapping with Adolescents in a School Setting, Megan E. Leisen
Mediation of Adolescent High-Risk Behaviors: A Curriculum Based Risk Assessment Approach, Daniel Lindenfeld
Assessment of Low Sodium Diet Education for Patients, D. Remme
Helping to Health Through Yoga: Exploring Yoga as an Adjunctive Therapy Tool for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Sara Richeson
The Relationship of Coaching Football and Counseling: Building a Championship System, Brent E. Schroeder
The Effects of Bullying on Sexual Minority Youth: The Importance of Creating an Inclusive School Climate, Elizabeth A.M. Strunz
Barriers for Rural Victims of Domestic Violence, Malorie Wolf
Impact of Abuse Throughout a Child's Psychological Development, Michael Wurdeman
Capstones, Theses, & Dissertations from 2014
Combating Eating Disorders by Addressing Body Image Issues in Schools, Brittany Ballweg
The Relationship Between Psychological Distress and Sexual Relationship Adjustment in Husbands of Wives Diagnosed with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer, Sara L. Berding
An Evidence-Based Approach for Integrating Effective Teaching Strategies for Motivational Interviewing into a Graduate Nursing Program, Joel Busch, Jade DeRocher, and Courtney Nack
Exploring Family Caregiving Strategies, Family Relationships and Family Growth in the Context of Chronic Illness, Kati J. Cavanaugh, Emily S. Eastwick, and Beckie J. Kronebusch
The Effects of Multicultural Immersion Programs on Students’ Multicultural Competency Development, Robert Christiano
Effects of Sex Education and Media on Teenage Pregnancy, Jennifer Coppens
Creating an Inclusive School Climate for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Students, Tosha Farrell
Strategies for Promoting Health in Somali Communities, Mary J. Gruber, Misbil F. Hagi-Salaad, and Heidi J. Stevermer
Anticipatory Grief and Compassion Fatigue: Definitions and Guidelines for Caregivers, Mary Kay Haupt
The Effects of Competition in the K-12 School Setting and its Relationship to Behavior Modification, Andrea Heinrich
Professional Development and the Growth of Professional Learning Communities in Education, Chelsie Hinrichs
Gender Differences and Impact on Addictions Treatment: Special consideration for working with Female Clients, Amy Horihan
The Relationship Between ECT and Functional Status in Depressed Inpatients, Lisa Horstman, Kelli Tornstrom, and Karen Welch
Exploring the Use of Animal Assisted Therapy in School Counseling: Using AAT with Adolescents Who Have Internalizing Disorders, Leah Jagodzinski
Taking a Mindful Approach to Substance Abuse Treatment Through Dialectical Behavior, Nicole Kirchner
Animal-Assisted Therapy In Elementary Schools, Steve Kurschner
10,000 Voices: Educational Barriers to the Completion of a Baccalaureate Nursing Degree within the State of Minnesota, Nicole Lawson, Joshua Wallenstein, and Alec Williams
Spirituality, Psychosocial Distress, and Posttraumatic Growth in Women with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer, Lydia K. Lazzara, Diane M. Bruen, and Shannon L. Hoversten
Students Seeking Attention, Dan Lecheler
Decisional Involvement Among Staff Nurses Based on Primary Shift Worked and Employment Status, Pundi S. Madhavan
K-12 School-Based Interventions Effective with Children and Adolescents from Divorced Families, Michelle McCoy
Benefits of a School-based Resilience Program for Adolescents Faced with Adversity, Madeline McRae
Comparison of Posttraumatic Growth in Different Aged Women with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer, Gina R. Miller and Jennifer L. Ellefson
Social Cognitive Career Theory, Generativity and Job Loss, Kevin Miller
Allowing Horses to Heal: The Healing Power of Equines in Therapeutic Settings, Bethany Mota
School-wide Bully Prevention Programs Designed for use in Elementary Schools, Melissa Pannell
Sexual Trauma and Eating Disorders: Current treatments and direction for further study, Kate Radsek
Systematic review of massage, meditation, and Reiki used to treat burnout in nurses, Jessica Rudolph
Effects of Vibration Massage on Doms, Using a Car Buffer, Eric J. Weigel
Evolving Mentoring into E-mentoring for Future Applications and Improvement, Andrew James Wood
Enhancing the Administrator-School Counselor Relationship, Courtney Zeimet
Capstones, Theses, & Dissertations from 2013
Suicidal Intent, Electroconvulsive Therapy, & Length of Stay, Gina Bloczynski, Tiffany Lohfink, and Sarel Myburgh
Building Trust Between the Hispanic Community and the Health Care System Through the Utilization of Community Health Liasons, Beth Caven, Jamie Coleman, and Shelley Wolfe
The Religious Sisters Study: Describing the Relationship Between Handgrip Strength and Self-Reported Falls, Amy L. Covert, Katie N. Finley, and Enobong C. Udo
Making Sense of Wilderness Therapy's Definitional Problem, Robert Flores
The Presence of Pondering, Struggling, and Burden Among Family Members with Chronic Illness, Robert A. Goodew, Emily A. C. Isaacson, and Janice A. Miller
The Relationship Amongst Age, Cognition, and Number of Electroconvulsive Therapy Treatments in Adults During Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment, Hilary K. Hawn and Jennifer S. Prochaska
Vulnerability and Uncertainty Among Families Dealing with Chronic Illness, Kathleen A. Jackson and Andrea L. Stuedemann
Differences Between Self-Reported Falls and Hearing Impairment Among Religious Sisters, Kassidy L. Karnik, Anne C. Wright, and Tamara L. Zimmerman
The Relationship Between Physical and Psychological Pain in Patients with Depression Undergoing Electroconvulsive Therapy, Lesa A. Kerley, Kayla A. Langhans, and Lisa M. Wood
Fall Risk Factors in Patients Receiving Electroconvulsive Therapy Treatments Within the Elderly Psychiatric Population, Eugene P. Kopecky and Clarissa J. Meyer
Fear of Recurrence and Psychological Distress in Younger Versus Older Spouses of Women with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer, Taylor E. Peck, Danna Renner, and Jacob J. Pauly
Capstones, Theses, & Dissertations from 2012
Decisional Inolvement: Actual and Preferred Involvement in Decision-Making Among Staff Nurses Based on Generational Cohorts, Michele A. Asche, Lisa J. Lemke, and Evalyn M. Michira
Implementing A Problem-Solving Internvetion to Treat Depression Among Hispanic Patients Receiving Care at a Midwest Migrant Health Clinic, Elizabeth Bottke, Koleena Johnson, and Anna Svennungsen
Interventions to Optimize Enrollment in Migrant Clinicians Networks' Health Network in the Hispanic Migrant Population Receiving Health Care Services in Minnesota and North Dakota: An Evidence-Based Practice Project, Candace L. Dalpiaz, Anna J. Schwecke, and Heidi L. Seaberg
Residential Treatment Facility Employees' Opinions of Physical Restraints, Bridget M. Keane
Capstones, Theses, & Dissertations from 2011
Cognition, Fluid Intake, and Length of Stay in Older Adults, Sarah J. Archer, Amy E. Barna, and Roxanna M. Holper
The Religious Sisters' Study: Describing Differences in Perceptions of Physical Health, Physical Functioning, and General Health, Kaitlin E. Bakker, Michelle M. Klein, and Susan K. Priem
Examining the Relationship Between Literacy Level and Healthcare Accessibility Among Underserved Populations of a Free Community Clinic Within an Adult and Family Literacy Center in the Upper Midwest, Michel Benz, Courtney Holtegaard, and Stephanie Vanderboom
Hydration Status Among Elderly with Dual Cardiovascular and Psychiatric Diagnoses, Kerri L. Bjorkley-Campbell, Jami L. Starling, and Jennifer A. Vagher
Intentions Toward Bone Health-Promoting Physical Activity in Overweight and Healthy Weight Women After Bone Density Testing, Sarah J. Bologna, Jennifer M. Hill, and Amanda F.l Meyer
The Effect of Healing Touch on Health-Related Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer Receiving Radiation Therapy, Lora Briese, Kristyn Maixner, and Janelle Wozniak
The Exploration of Receptivity to Complementary and Alternative Medicine and its Impact on Health Related Quality of Life Outcomes of Women Receiving Radiation Therapy for Early Stage Breast Cancer in a Healing Touch Study, Heidi E. Hackbarth, Denise C. Muser, and Juliet E. Sunberg