
Home care (HC) nurses are experiencing increased stress related to workload, isolation on the job, and COVID-19 restrictions. A literature review found numerous interventions effective in reducing nurse burnout through building resiliency and decreasing moral distress. The purpose of this evidence-based project was to improve resiliency and decrease the risk of burnout in HC nurses through the introduction of a resiliency bundle. Based on the evidence, the following priority interventions for a resiliency bundle were chosen: a) gratitude strategies, b) connecting with co-workers, c) storytelling, and d) resiliency training. Duffy’s Quality-Caring Model and Neal’s Theory of Home Health Nursing Practice were used to frame the study. The Iowa Model framework was used to implement and integrate the practice change in a home healthcare department at a large Midwestern pediatric hospital. Outcomes were measured using a pre-and post-implementation resiliency and burnout survey, which used a Likert scale to allow for quantitative statistical analysis. Fourteen nurses completed the pre-survey, 11 completed the post-survey, and 10 completed both pre- and post-surveys. Results showed no statistically significant change in resiliency or burnout after implementation; however, nurses expressed desire to continue using the bundle pieces, especially the gratitude strategies, connecting with co-workers, and sharing stories. Leadership should take burnout risk in HC nurses seriously and look for innovative ways to promote resiliency within nurses. There is little found in the literature about interventions to improve burnout in HC nurses; therefore, further research is needed to examine how to better support this unique nursing role.

Date of Project Completion

Spring 5-5-2021

Document Type

Project Paper

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice



First Advisor

Mieca Valen


Committee member: Dr. Sandra Paddock

Included in

Nursing Commons
