

Diabetes mellitus is a common disease prevalent in 10.5% of the US population about 34.2 million people and a disproportionate percentage of people of color. An EBP project for people with prediabetes was conducted in a faith-based based setting after institutional review board approval. The purpose of the project was to increase fruits and vegetable intake and increase physical activity in adults with prediabetes. The Chronic Care Model was used to guide the design and implementation of the project. The project was a modified version of the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) in a series of four 2-hour sessions at the Mosque focused on healthy eating and increase in physical activities. The project included (a) extensive review of the literature, (b) assessing the risk of prediabetes, (c) collecting baseline data including weight, average daily servings of fruits and vegetable and average daily number of physical activities, (d) conducting diabetes education sessions at the Mosque and collecting data six weeks post implementation. All educational sessions were conducted in the native language of the participants Mandinka.

The results of the study showed the mean daily servings of vegetable consumption increased from baseline to six weeks on average by 2.42 servings (p = 0.0001), The mean daily servings of fruit consumption increased by1.1 serving (p = 0.0055) and physical activity increased on average by 18.33 minutes (p = 0.0377).

This study demonstrated that implementing a diabetes prevention program in a faith-based setting is feasible with improved behavioral health outcomes.

Date of Project Completion

Spring 4-14-2021

Document Type

Project Paper

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice



First Advisor

Julie Ponto

Second Advisor

Mieca Valen


Shakopee, Minnesota


I would like to sincerely thank Dr. Ponto and Dr. Valen for their support and guidance.

Included in

Nursing Commons
