
The writer explores how the role of a college counselor can support and advocate for first-generation students in a way that can lead to attainable success beyond merely graduating from an institution. Research has shown that college faculty have been proven to be a significant source of aspirational, intellectual, and emotional support in a student’s college success. The role of a college counselor could be an ideal mentor and advocate for those students who may be at a disadvantage, such as a first-generation student. The specific barriers that first-generation students experience that differ from continuing-generation students are discussed. Additionally, the role of the college counselor is examined, and potential areas of advocacy efforts are discussed. Finally, the ACA advocacy competencies of students/clients are examined and key factors relevant to the college counselor and client relationship are identified.

Date of Award

Spring 5-5-2023

Document Type

Capstone Paper

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Counselor Education

First Advisor

Anquinetta V. Calhoun, Ph.D


Winona, MN



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