The Counselor Education Capstone collection includes graduate students’ in-depth literature explorations of a topic important to them and their professional field.
Capstone Papers from 2024
Reaching college readiness: Barriers and effective Interventions for parents and students of low socioeconomic status, Kailee Johnson
Trauma-Informed Care within Neurodivergent Populations, Adrianna Black
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Social Anxiety in Adolescents, April Fohrman
Horticulture Interventions Impact on Eating Disorder Symptoms, Taylor Kline
Adolescent Dieting and Eating Disorders: Considerations for Counselors, Josephine Sticha
Supporting LGBTQ+ Students in Rural Schools: Strategies for School Counselors to Enhance Protective Factors, Madison J. Nelson
Early Support and Home-based Interventions for Children Affected by Bipolar Disorder in Parents, Maria Mylonaki
The Long-Term Effects of the Negative Stereotypes on Black Women, Ashley L. Mock
Religion, Spirituality, and Sexual Minority Identity Development, Jake C. Kirschner
The Efficacy of Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy: A Literature Review, Erica Thiem
Capstone Papers from 2023
Barriers, Motivation, and Interventions for Women with Substance Use Disorders During Pregnancy, Sarah Novinska
Dementia Diagnosis and Personality Change, Molly Pavek
Divorce and Family Therapy: The Negative Effects of High Conflict Divorce and the Most Effective Interventions for Counselors, Gregory S. Ferriss
Exploring Perinatal Mental Health: Navigating Challenges and Support for Women of Color, Chloey R. Pestorious
Demystifying Music Therapy: Applications Over the Lifespan, Barry C. Nelson
Barriers to Help-Seeking Behavior for Individuals with Suicidal Ideations & Previous Suicide Attempts, Rachael M. Vlasak
An Investigation into the Factors Influencing Adolescent E-cigarette Initiation, Dariyan R. Adams
Efficacy of Mental Health Interventions for Physicians: A Literature Review, Rebecca Rudolph
Lack of Multicultural Representation in Children’s Literature and Societal Attitudes on Youths’ Self-Perception, Ellen Knutson
Social and Emotional Development of Toddlers Post-COVID-19 Pandemic, Alice M. Bygd
Success for Graduation and Beyond: College Counseling Advocacy Skills That Target the Needs of First-Generation College Students, Meriel LaForce
Implications for Counseling High School Student Athletes in a School Setting, Tristan Schmidtknecht
Lack of Counseling Services Among Adults Aged 50 and Greater, Madalyn Olson
Working With Students from Low Socioeconomic Families: What Can School Counselors do?, Rachel S. Bluhm
Capstone Papers from 2022
Therapeutic Potential of Hypnotherapy to Treat Substance Use, Theresa Sanchez
Sizeism--What Multicultural Education & Training are Missing, Jen Rynes
Effective Treatment Modalities, Recommendations, and Desired Outcomes for Adolescents with Co-Occurring Disorders, Madelynn J. Revord
The Effects of Social Media on Internalizing Disorders in Adolescents, Deziree Wiegmann
An Exploration of Rock-Climbing Based Counseling Interventions, Leeann Wilcox
Play Therapy and Academic Achievement, Erica Woodruff
Adolescent Trauma: The Effects on Development and Interventions to Help, Allison Skrentny
Mental Health in Rural Communities: Barriers and Solutions to Access, Andrea DuCharme
Effects on Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Public Schools, Abby Golish
Examining Consent Education as a Preventative Measure for Sexual Violence, Harassment, and Bullying in Adolescents, Alexis Olson
The Impact of Surviving Suicide Loss on Adolescent Psychosocial Development, Sophie Leonard
Navigating Covert Exploitation: Treatment Considerations for Counseling Human Trafficking Survivors, Lindsey Holper
Capstone Papers from 2021
Mindfulness Effectiveness on Strengthening Functional Coping Skills in College Students, Tea Mirkovic Olsen
Rethinking Recidivism: Considerations for Counselors Working with Adult Clients in Sex Offender Treatment, Claire Richards
Where is the Light? Fighting the Darkness of Substance Abuse and Suicide., Jessica Wacholz
Commonalities Between Urban Mental Health and Rural Mental Health, Casey Bohlman
Mental Health Concerns in Graduate Students: Implications and Effective Interventions, Brody Fanshaw
Incarcerated People with Co-Occurring Disorders, Nikki Ketzeback
Therapeutic Potential of Psychedelic Drugs, Specifically Magic Mushrooms, Marijuana, and MDMA with Veterans Who Suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Misty Schutterle
Multicultural Considerations for Latinx and Latinx-American Children in Play Therapy, Andrea Carolina Guerrero León
Orthorexia: When Healthy Eating Becomes Problematic, Courtney R. Retzlaff
The Results of Child Sexual Abuse and How They Can be Mitigated, Joy Buchman
Meaning Making In Grief Counseling, Lindsey Stuhr
Poverty in Schools: The Impact of Poverty on School Readiness for Kindergarteners, Emily Inglett
Facing A New Normal: Uncovering the Psychological Effects of Loneliness on Student Mental Health, Courtney Thoreson
Parental Influences on Their Child’s Education and Their Success in School, Rachel Crosby
Strategies for Increasing Attendance for Identified Student Populations via Online Engagement Methods During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Catherine Douglas
Relationship between Servant Leadership Style and Teacher Job Satisfaction and Retention, Morgan Stamschror
Effectiveness of an Online Intervention Combating Mental Health Stigma on Adolescent Help-Seeking Behaviors, Chelsea Krayecki
Mindfulness Based Therapy Used in Treatment for Secondary and College Students Who Identify as LGBTQ, Ross Beattie
Relapse Prevention Planning with Clients, Grace E. Larsen
Capstone Papers from 2020
Adolescent Substance Use Identification and Early Interventions: A Guide for School Counseling Professionals, Olivia Gullickson
Racial Inequity and the Achievement Gap, Ari Mwatela
Intergenerational Trauma, Ruqia Abdirahman
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Attendance Interventions for Schools, Bailey Biggerstaff
It Takes A Village: Engaging Families to Support Student Transitioning Into A New School, Michael R. Hutchins
The Effects of Bibliotherapy on Students Experiencing Grief, Loss, and Trauma, Laura Jensen
Impact of Homeless Youth: How Does it Affect School Development?, Rena Dornfeld
The Implementation of Spirituality in School Counseling, Molly Attoe
Counseling Adolescents with Chronic Physical Chronic Conditions, Holly Dwyer
Interpersonal Relationships and Attachment Style Among Substance - Dependent Individuals, Ashlee Newhart
The History, Prevalence, and Implications of Burnout in Medical Residents, Zoey Smith
Childhood Trauma and Attachment, Marcia Mihalovic
The Internet and LGBTQ+ Identity Formation in Adolescents and Young Adults, Margaret Morris
Current Sex Offender Laws: Are They Doing More Harm Than Good?, Gail Onderak
Capstone Papers from 2019
Assessment and Evaluation of Anti-Racist, Feminist Training in Counselor, Kyle E. Dufek
School Counselor Advocacy for Transgender Youth, Autumn Hayes
The Whole Parent: An Evaluation of Parental Interventions, Elizabeth Hellenbrand
Suicide, Associated Factors, and Treatment Recommendations for Youth Who Identify as LGTBQ, Natalie Jech
Utilizing a Trauma Informed Approach to Build Resiliency in Underrepresented College Students, Marie Lindloff
Counselor Self-Disclosure: The Impact of Disclosing Mental Health Clients, Katelyn Longmire
They Don't Know I Want to Die: Can Parents Predict Child Suicidality?, Jamie Matson
Implementing Whanau Ora Interventions in Postvention Response to Suicide Ideation, attempts, or Completion of Maori in Rural Communities: A Therapuetic Group Manual, Elizabeth F. Murphy
Yoga Intervention Benefits and School Setting Applications, Jessica L. H. Olson
Counseling Children from Single Parent Households, Lauren Praska
Mindfulness-Based Practices for School Aged Children with Anxiety, Bethany Schmitt
The Impact of Childhood Trauma on the Brain & Interventions for the School Counselor, Chelsea Scott
The Importance of a Positive School Climate for LGBTQ Students: A School Counselor's Role, Amanda Sievers
Prevalence and Treatment for Eating Disorders in Young Athletes, Tessa Solberg
How to Promote Neuroplasticity Following Trauma, Elizabeth Thiel
The Gottman Method, Narrative Therapy, and Psychodynamic Approach in Counseling Interracial Couples, Hannah P. Tong
Parental Incarceration: The Childs Rights and Needs, Adam T. Bahr
School Counselor Self-Care Practices as Mitigating Factors Regarding Professional Burnout, Kelsie Brand
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health: Relationship-based Interventions for At-risk Families, Britney Brennan
Counseling Interventions for Native American Adolescents, Kathryn Burger
Adolescents Amount of Sleep in Relation to Emotional and Behavioral Regulation, Stephanie Emanuel
Developing Self-Awareness in Counseling Professionals, La Green
Where Have All the Teachers Gone? A Look at Teacher Attrition in the U.S., Kimberly Hill
Adolescents in Alternative Education Settings, Carly Houlihan
Inclusive Classrooms, Meghan Ihrke
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Health and Equity in the United States, Shannon Jezusko
Effects of Family Treatment Drug Court on Reunification of Families Involved with Child Protection, Carrie Meiners
Effects of Discrimination on Transgender Populations, Katherine R. Moyer
ASCA National Model Implementation and Discipline Disparities in Schools, Abigail Mundy