"Comprehension of Counselor Education Course Materials in Online Versus" by Chelsee J. Ahumada


American society has become technology oriented, both inside and outside of the classroom. Some research findings suggest that 31% of students had taken at least one online course in 2012 (Miller & Young-Jones 2012). There are many biases, such as cheating and student biases for both online and traditional face-to-face classes. This review of literature intends to determine if online or traditional courses yield higher comprehension in the course material and how counselor education courses should respond to this research. Research has shown that skillsbased courses should be taught in the traditional setting while theories and other content courses may have equal comprehension in online courses, if students are given supplemental materials.

Date of Award


Document Type

Capstone Paper


Counselor Education

First Advisor

Eric Baltrinic

Unique Identifier



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