
This research examined the essential online library services that college students used and found useful while remote learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students at a small community college in southeastern Minnesota were surveyed and additional usage data about some online library services were collected. The link to the online survey was posted to the students' newsletter and some faculty shared the link on their course pages in the college's LMS. The survey asked the students to rank and rate four online library services. The service “Email a librarian” was ranked and rated higher than the other services by the survey participants. The results of the survey showed that students were very satisfied with their ability to find desired services and appreciated the service of placing a hold on a book for easy pickup. The data extracted from the library showed that the usage of some services like "Email a librarian" and “Chat with a librarian” doubled during remote learning in comparison to the previous year. The researcher worked in an academic library of a community college for several years including the period of remote learning and social distance regulation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Date Capstone Completed


Document Type


Degree Name

Masters of Science in Leadership Education: Organizational Leadership


Leadership Education


Steven Baule





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