

Problem: One of the most important steps in infection prevention is the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect patients and staff from infectious agents; yet, research indicates that PPE compliance remains suboptimal in many healthcare institutions.

Purpose: To identify the effect of a multidisciplinary education campaign on PPE compliance and knowledge among healthcare workers (HCWs) on a rehabilitation unit of a large, midwestern teaching hospital.

Methods: This project utilized pre-intervention observational audits and a survey to determine baseline PPE compliance and knowledge on the piloted units. A post-intervention survey was sent to HCW to assess for a change in knowledge.

Interventions: Educational material regarding proper PPE usage and knowledge gaps gathered from the pre-intervention survey was sent to all staff virtually. Educational materials were also posted throughout the unit and discussed during team huddles.

Results: Pre-intervention observational audits showed 21.64% (n=97) correctly donned and doffed PPE according to the institution's policy. Comparison of pre- to post-survey data showed no significant change in all four knowledge-based questions (p=0.45, p=1.00, p=0.69, p=1.00).

Conclusion: Staff showed knowledge regarding proper PPE use prior to the intervention. However, compliance was suboptimal. This data indicates that despite staff being knowledgeable on proper use, other barriers exist that lead to a lack of compliance with PPE policies.

Key Words: PPE, compliance, Personal Protective Equipment, multidiscipline, education

Date of Project Completion

Fall 9-2020

Document Type

Project Paper

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice



First Advisor

Carole Jenson

Second Advisor

Dawn Bos
