
The projected growth of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers is unprecedented (Lufkin, 2009). With the growth of women in the workforce and/or obtaining post-secondary degrees, the projected number of females in STEM fields should increase; however, that is not the case. Recently, the estimated percent of women in STEM careers is less than 30% in the United States (“Has employment”, n.d.). The reasons behind this underrepresentation of women in STEM careers includes multiple facets such as: sexist practices in education and workplace, psychological factors that influence the self and career choice and social factors including, but not limited to friends/peers, parents/guardians, teachers and other educators and the media representation of STEM. In accordance to American School Counselor Association’s standards for school counselors, school counselors serve as a pivotal role to encourage adolescent girls in STEM. These interventions include institutional and individual changes within the school. Through analysis of interventions and a thorough understanding of the research, a small-group intervention was developed to increase academic self-perceptions in mathematics and science among adolescent girls. Increasing self-efficacy has shown to increase persistence in STEM courses which will increase STEM fields.

Date of Award


Document Type

Capstone Paper


Counselor Education

First Advisor

Mary Fawcett

Unique Identifier




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