
Eating disorders are a serious problem that take the lives of many people. Research has shown that for many people, eating disorders are rarely the only mental health issue. Instead, research has found in most cases, individuals struggle with multiple co-occurring mental health issues. Specifically, research has found a link between sexual trauma and eating disorders. Research supports the need to express the trauma in order to treat the eating disorder. However, no research currently exists that examines the most effective treatment to care for populations with a comorbid diagnoses of sexual trauma and eating disorders. The purpose of this research is to examine the current treatments available for treating sexual trauma as well as eating disorders presenting the need for further research on effective treatments for a comorbid diagnosis of sexual trauma and eating disorders.

Date of Award


Document Type

Capstone Paper


Counselor Education

First Advisor

Jo Hittner

Unique Identifier



Educational use only. All copyright protections apply.



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