Professional Development for Educators on Emotional Regulation and Functions of Behavior
Studies have identified a lack of sufficient teacher training in SEL and inclusion. In addition, there is a lack in offerings at the college level about these topics. Studies have shown that teachers have a greater ability to teach SEL effectively when they have the self-efficacy to do so. Currently, there is a dearth of knowledge on the best methods of delivery and content. The research aims to identify the content and methods required of a workshop for veteran and novice teaching staff on the topics of student behavior, functions of behavior, behavior management, and social emotional learning (SEL) through a lens of Knowle’s Theory of Andragogy, Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory, and Nodding’s Care Theory. The research was performed through qualitative methods, utilizing participant interviews. The research concludes a mixture of methods is effective in creating a workshop for educators including both active and inactive methods. Participants cited wanting hands-on opportunities to discuss and use the information, while also allowing time for reflection and personal learning. The research identifies content and methods of delivery for a workshop for educators.
Date Capstone Completed
Document Type
Capstone Project
Degree Name
Masters of Science in Educational Leadership
Leadership Education - Graduate Studies
Steven Baule
Winona, Minnesota
Recommended Citation
Harmon, Amanda C., "Professional Development for Educators on Emotional Regulation and Functions of Behavior" (2023). Leadership Education Capstones. 92.