
The world was faced with chaos as the COVID-19 virus surged impacting the lives of everyone around the world. Quickly, nations and states began to lockdown as people were required to stay inside and socially distance from one another. The pandemic changed the lives of collegiate football players’ drastically. It left collegiate football players stranded away from teammates, coaches, families, and resources. The research design was a mixed method design consisting of both qualitative and quantitative data. The data obtained from this research focused on major themes of how collegiate football players perceived the pandemics virtual college experience, the challenges faced, and ways they were able to adapt to the challenges. The crucial data points of perceptions of the COVID-19 virtual college experience included the dislike of online learning, seasons being cancelled, and no sense of routine. Challenges associated with the virtual college experience were staying in shape, finding motivation, and online learning. Collegiate football players adapted by overcommunicating, video chatting, connecting with friends and family, and physical activity. Collegiate football players faced the unknown. Routines uprooted and the complete reliance on themselves. Collegiate football players found unique ways to adapt to a serious and unsafe situation.

Date Capstone Completed


Document Type

Capstone Paper

Degree Name

Masters of Science in Leadership Education: Sport Management


Leadership Education - Graduate Studies


Steven Baule


Winona, Minnesota



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