
Teachers are considering different models of instruction for student metacognition during work times. The questioning of student metacognition is a part of teaching, and it is something that can be recognized by making changes to allow students to recognize this. Finding more of an insight on how students think about thinking is the driving force to this research. This study was completed in a Southeastern Minnesota fifth grade classroom. For this study, the observer will implement a gradual release of responsibility framework during collaborative work time to determine the effects on participant metacognition. With metacognition as the focus, the observer examines participant engagement, productivity, and characteristics of interactions as defining factors for the study. Findings suggest that the framework does impact metacognition for individual students based on the factors of the research.

Date Action Research Paper Completed


Document Type

Action Research Paper

Degree Name

Master of Science in Education



Capstone Advisor

Joel J. Traver, Ed.D.


