
Simulated learning experiences (SLEs) are an increasing aspect of clinical experiences in undergraduate nursing programs. Formative student evaluation is a critical component of SLEs as it promotes student growth and demonstrates student learning outcomes. The 2021 International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Standards of Best Practice: Simulation for Student Evaluation of Learning and Performance [INACSL Standards] provide specific guidelines that aim to ensure the best experiences for SLEs participants. With many formative evaluation tools for overall student performance available, it is important that educators utilize evaluation tools that meet the most recent 2021 INACSL Standards.

An integrative review was conducted to appraise five formative evaluation tools for undergraduate nursing student performance in SLEs. These five evaluation tools were summarized, reviewed, and compared to the 2021 INACSL Standards. The National League for Nursing (NLN) Jeffries Simulation theory provided the conceptual framework for formative student evaluations in SLEs.

The literature supports the need for formative evaluation tools as a way to improve student growth and learning in SLEs. Much of the evidence found on these evaluation tools in the literature review was of low quality, and many of these tools had little evidence documenting their use. The literature review consisted of pilot studies, small descriptive and qualitative studies, one literature review, and one randomized, controlled, multisite trial. No studies were found that compared these evaluation tools and, therefore, no evidence promoting one student performance evaluation tool over another in the literature. Higher-level evidence and research are needed to evaluate these newer formative evaluation tools in relevant populations.

Date of Completion of Thesis/SIP

Fall 12-7-2023

Document Type

Scholarly Inquiry Paper (SIP)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



First Advisor

Diane Forsyth

Second Advisor

Amy Reitmaier


Winona, Minnesota

Available for download on Friday, January 24, 2025

Included in

Nursing Commons
