The Nursing Masters Papers collection includes the full text of the theses and scholarly inquiry papers (SIP) starting the fall 2019 semester through the most recently completed semester. This collection also includes the citations of student works which were written before Fall 2019. If a student grants permission digitized copies are made available. Print copies of masters papers before the fall of 2019 are available in the WSU Library and can be searched through the Library's catalog.


Theses/SIP from 2024


Transition Programs for New Nurses in Practice, Karissa Sandland

Theses/SIP from 2023


Evaluation Tools for Undergraduate Nursing Student Performance in Simulated Learning Experiences: A Literature Review, Katie Pettibone


Nurse Leader Burnout: The Impact From the COVID-19 Pandemic, Chelsey P. Hinrichs, Brittany Huneke, and Ali Marty Rodningen

Theses/SIP from 2022


The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health of College Aged Students, Melissa Vieth, Mindy Binder, and Faythe Bauer


Acute Kidney Injury: Evaluating Risk Factors in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patients, Jennifer Tenley, Pamela Millin, and Austyn Franklin


Efficacy and Acceptability of Cranial Electrical Stimulation for Patients with Chronic Anxiety and Coexisting Substance Use Disorder, Susan Bothun and Jimy Chun


The Effect of the Sleep Promotion Interventions on Incidence of Delirium in Intensive Care Patients: An Integrative Literature Review, Sarah Lee


Cardiac Telehealth Rehabilitation: Empowering the Patient, Alexander James Schmidt Hoff


Music Intervention and its Effect on State Anxiety: An Integrative Literature Review, Courtney Olek


Stroke Patient Outcomes When Fever Is Present, Anthony Grant

Theses/SIP from 2021


Abrupt Changes in Learning Platforms During a Pandemic, Nicole Nelson and Katie M. Villont


COVID-19: Does the Timing of Intubation Affect Overall Outcomes, Jennifer Burvee


The Efficacy of Tocilizumab as a Therapeutic Treatment for SARS-CoV-2 Infections: An Integrative Literature Review, Amanda Vancene Peterson


New Graduate Nurse Retention Strategies: An Integrative Literature Review, Amy Fiala


Barriers to, and Facilitators of, Patient Self-Management of Chronic Conditions: An Integrative Literature Review, Shari Frueh


Prelicensure Nursing Students’ Perceptions of a Rapid Transition to an Online Learning Environment, Elizabeth Green, Victoria Mrwoka, and Jacqueline Savalle


Developing an Early Mobility Nurse-Led Protocol in Critical Care Patients, Anne Flicek


The Utility of Masks as Protection Against Viral Respiratory Illnesses in Healthcare Workers, Brian Van Wie


Leadership Strategies to Support Resilience, Katee Paine


Early Mobility in the Intensive Care Unit: An Integrative Review on Safe Practices, Jessica Poehler

Theses/SIP from 2020


The Relationship Between Professional Nurse Certification and Nurse-Sensitive Patient Outcomes in the Acute Care Setting: An Integrative Literature Review, Julie Oss


Cardiac Resuscitation Training: An Integrative Literature Review, Dominick Pahl


Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in Adults: An Integrative Review, Julie Sanger


Benefits of Palliative Care in the Intensive Care Unit, Stephen Swenson and Stephen M. Swenson


Developing a Total Knee Care Pathway to Reduce Hospital Length of Stay While Maintaining Quality of Care, Katie Pace


A Case for Delirium Risk Prediction Models to Aid in Triaging Resources to those Most at Risk an Integrative Literature Review, Tammy Perttula


Effectiveness of Order Sets in the Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemia, Steven Gort


Stress and Burnout in Nurse Leaders, Laura E. Johnson, Kiersten J. Nichols, and Jayme A. Sakhitab


Managing Nursing Incivility: An Integrative Literature Review, Tina Carlson


Autonomy and the Patient’s Perspective on Physician-Assisted Suicide, Anna Dykhuis


An Integrative Review of Early Ambulation's Effects on Vascular Complications Four Hours Post-Femorial PCI, Mackenzie Lucca


Hospital to Home: Fall Prevention Interventions for the Discharging Patient, Joy Bridewell


A Systematic Search and Review on the Efficacy, Safety, and Cost-Effectiveness of Utilizing Lactobacillus Probiotics in Concurrence with Prescribing Antibiotics to Reduce Clostridium difficile Infection Rates in Hospitalized Patients, Laura Sheehan


Fear of Recurrence in Ovarian Cancer Survivors and Their Spouses, Brandon R. Crouley and Jennifer L. Skaden


Nursing Practice and the Prevention of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections, Laura Sherburne


Simulation in Nursing Education: A Literature Review on Debriefing, Rebecca Rausch

Theses/SIP from 2019


Efficacy of the ABCDE Bundle in Reducing Delirium in Critically Ill Patients: An Integrative Literature Review, Leah Hanson


Perceived Stress in Undergraduate Nursing Students, Emily Vore, Abbie McGee, and Amy Henderson

Approaches to Enchancing Family Satisifaction with Care of Persons Hospitalized in Intensive Care Receiving End-of-Life Care: An Integrative Review, Chelsea J. Dahl and Elizabeth M. Turba

A Literature Review of Nurse Leaders Characteristics to Support Empowerment and Engagement, Jean J. Stavenau

Theses/SIP from 2018

Stress, Resilience, and Well-Being in Undergraduate Nursing Students, Brittany L. Borhart, Megan R. Panek, and Jamie L. Waldera


Stress, Resilience, and Well-Being in Undergraduate Nursing Students, Jamie Waldera, Brittany L. Borhart, and Megan R. Panek

Bone Density Changes Over Time in a Cohort of Perimenopausal Women: A Retrospective Study, Holly Fratzke, Leanne Markos, and Lori Miskell

The Effects of Volunteer Activities on Service-Learning Outcomes in Baccalaureate Nursing Students, Jessica Nelson and Sara Roslansky

Building Resilience in Nurse Leaders to Prevent Burnout: An Integrative Review, Suzanne J. Hanson

Palliative Care Services for Hematopoietic Cell Transplanation, Matthew H. Clark

An Analysis of the Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity among Somali and Hispanic Immigrants, Katie Eldred, Mihaella Bozadjieva, and Jada Langer

Theses/SIP from 2017

Heart Failure Patient Education Delivery Methods to Improve Self-Care Knowledge and 30-Day Readmissions: An Integrative Literature Review of Best Practices or Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) Patients and Their Caregivers, Michael T. Ring

The Relationship Between New Possibilities and Concurrent Stressors in Women with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer, Carrie Martinson, Leah Tucker, and Mackenzie Johnson

Developing Evidence-Based Practice, Stacy Friedrich and Tabitha Luedke

Stratgies that Support Older Adults Living with Chronic Illness to Effectively Self-Manage Their Conditions, Melissa Bertelson, Leah Jensen, and Holly Porter

Weight Management in Adolescents with Elevated Body Mass Indices and Asthma, Meghann Ryan

Theses/SIP from 2016

A Content Analysis of How a Learning Environment Influences the Development in Clinical Reasoning in Nurses, Joan M. Krauss and Francis Owusu

Barriers and Support of Evidence-Based Practice Among Graduate Nursing Students, Kelly Niebeling and Brit Voshage

Current best practice regarding nutritional influences that enchance surgical wound healing, Tracy L. Kiehne

Wabasha Community Restaurant Nutrition Recommendations, Jaclyn Novak

Clinician Mindfulness Practice and the Implications for Burnout Mitigation: Mindfulness as a Values Componenet of Self-Care, Stephanie Wachter-Papenfuss

Evaluation of Violence Risk Assessment Tools for Acute Mental Health, Kendra A. Anderson

Variaiblity in Perceived Family Change, Family Growth, and Family Struggling Among Families Experiencing Chronic Illness, Katherine L. Braaten, Danielle A. Koenig, and Bethaney A. Wescott

Partnerships for Healthy Ageing: A Secondary Analysis of Nursing Students' Reflective Journals, Tyler Faust, Kayla Jones, and Dawn Newman

The Benefits and Challenges of Service-Learning in Undergraduate Nursing Education: Comparing Different Experiences, Michelle E. Benish, Kelsey V. Hermann, and Stephanie P. Mann

Nursing Students' Experiences of the Senior Clinical Preceptorship, Rachel M. Gagliasso, Holly A. Huso, and Tamara L. Supinski

Experiences and Impact of Involvement in Service-Learning for Users of Services, Katheryn L. Munroe

Theses/SIP from 2015

The Impact of Focused Education on Nurses' Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in Patient Care, Jennifer Johnas, Danielle McAlpine, and Paul Proshek

Aromatherapy for Pain Control in Hospitalized Adults, Brittany Eppard

Psychological Distress, Personal Strength, and Number of Recurrences in Women with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer, Heidi A. Eisenman and Danielle J. Munsterman

10,000 Voices: Nurses' Perception of Scope of Practice Barriers in a Midwest State, Breanna Estby, Margot Melanson-Arnold, and Amy Ries

Uncertainty and Appreciation of Life in Women with One Recurrence Versus Two or More Recurrences of Ovarian Cancer: A Secondary Analysis, Cori Duellman Wallerich, Amy Pike, and Paul Tan

Normal Saline, Lactated Ringers, and Traumatic Hemorrhagic Shock, Catherine H. Bausano

Retention of Personal Care Assistants (PCAS) at Organization X, Sonia M. Bompart Morales

Meaningful Use of the Electronic Health Record in a Community Clinic, Karen Bowers and Karen E. Zuehlke

Family Vulnerability, Family Change, and Family Financial Concerns Related to the Experience of Chronic Illness, Emily M. Goetzke, Kathryn M. Parks, and Laura J. Peterson

Theses/SIP from 2014

10,000 Voices: Educational Barriers to the Completion of a Baccalaureate Nursing Degree within the State of Minnesota, Nicole Lawson, Joshua Wallenstein, and Alec Williams

Decisional Involvement Among Staff Nurses Based on Primary Shift Worked and Employment Status, Pundi S. Madhavan

Systematic review of massage, meditation, and Reiki used to treat burnout in nurses, Jessica Rudolph

Family Presence Supported By Family Supoort Person During Resuscitation of Critical Ill or Injured Children in the Emergency Department, Dawn M. King

Exploring Family Caregiving Strategies, Family Relationships and Family Growth in the Context of Chronic Illness, Kati J. Cavanaugh, Emily S. Eastwick, and Beckie J. Kronebusch

Spirituality, Psychosocial Distress, and Posttraumatic Growth in Women with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer, Lydia K. Lazzara, Diane M. Bruen, and Shannon L. Hoversten

Effects of Vibration Massage on Doms, Using a Car Buffer, Eric J. Weigel

Comparison of Posttraumatic Growth in Different Aged Women with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer, Gina R. Miller and Jennifer L. Ellefson

An Evidence-Based Approach for Integrating Effective Teaching Strategies for Motivational Interviewing into a Graduate Nursing Program, Joel Busch, Jade DeRocher, and Courtney Nack

Strategies for Promoting Health in Somali Communities, Mary J. Gruber, Misbil F. Hagi-Salaad, and Heidi J. Stevermer

The Relationship Between Psychological Distress and Sexual Relationship Adjustment in Husbands of Wives Diagnosed with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer, Sara L. Berding

The Relationship Between ECT and Functional Status in Depressed Inpatients, Lisa Horstman, Kelli Tornstrom, and Karen Welch

Theses/SIP from 2013

The Relationship Amongst Age, Cognition, and Number of Electroconvulsive Therapy Treatments in Adults During Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment, Hilary K. Hawn and Jennifer S. Prochaska

Suicidal Intent, Electroconvulsive Therapy, & Length of Stay, Gina Bloczynski, Tiffany Lohfink, and Sarel Myburgh

Making Sense of Wilderness Therapy's Definitional Problem, Robert Flores

Building Trust Between the Hispanic Community and the Health Care System Through the Utilization of Community Health Liasons, Beth Caven, Jamie Coleman, and Shelley Wolfe

The Relationship Between Physical and Psychological Pain in Patients with Depression Undergoing Electroconvulsive Therapy, Lesa A. Kerley, Kayla A. Langhans, and Lisa M. Wood

Differences Between Self-Reported Falls and Hearing Impairment Among Religious Sisters, Kassidy L. Karnik, Anne C. Wright, and Tamara L. Zimmerman

The Religious Sisters Study: Describing the Relationship Between Handgrip Strength and Self-Reported Falls, Amy L. Covert, Katie N. Finley, and Enobong C. Udo

Vulnerability and Uncertainty Among Families Dealing with Chronic Illness, Kathleen A. Jackson and Andrea L. Stuedemann

The Presence of Pondering, Struggling, and Burden Among Family Members with Chronic Illness, Robert A. Goodew, Emily A. C. Isaacson, and Janice A. Miller

Fall Risk Factors in Patients Receiving Electroconvulsive Therapy Treatments Within the Elderly Psychiatric Population, Eugene P. Kopecky and Clarissa J. Meyer

Fear of Recurrence and Psychological Distress in Younger Versus Older Spouses of Women with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer, Taylor E. Peck, Danna Renner, and Jacob J. Pauly

Theses/SIP from 2012

Decisional Inolvement: Actual and Preferred Involvement in Decision-Making Among Staff Nurses Based on Generational Cohorts, Michele A. Asche, Lisa J. Lemke, and Evalyn M. Michira

Interventions to Optimize Enrollment in Migrant Clinicians Networks' Health Network in the Hispanic Migrant Population Receiving Health Care Services in Minnesota and North Dakota: An Evidence-Based Practice Project, Candace L. Dalpiaz, Anna J. Schwecke, and Heidi L. Seaberg

Implementing A Problem-Solving Internvetion to Treat Depression Among Hispanic Patients Receiving Care at a Midwest Migrant Health Clinic, Elizabeth Bottke, Koleena Johnson, and Anna Svennungsen

Residential Treatment Facility Employees' Opinions of Physical Restraints, Bridget M. Keane

Theses/SIP from 2011

Family Uncertainty, Struggling, and Connecting: Managing Chronic Illness, Wendy R. Worden and Leanne L. England