The Nursing Masters Papers collection includes the full text of the theses and scholarly inquiry papers (SIP) starting the fall 2019 semester through the most recently completed semester. This collection also includes the citations of student works which were written before Fall 2019. If a student grants permission digitized copies are made available. Print copies of masters papers before the fall of 2019 are available in the WSU Library and can be searched through the Library's catalog.
Theses/SIP from 2011
Secondary Analysis: Investigating the Relationships Between Vulnerability, Caring Strategies, and Family Functioning Among Family Members Managing Chronic Illness, Angela Larsen, Anna Myburgh, and Karen Popp
The Exploration of Receptivity to Complementary and Alternative Medicine and its Impact on Health Related Quality of Life Outcomes of Women Receiving Radiation Therapy for Early Stage Breast Cancer in a Healing Touch Study, Heidi E. Hackbarth, Denise C. Muser, and Juliet E. Sunberg
Developing an Evidence Based Intervention to Treat Depression Among Mexican American Migrant Farmworkers Using Problem Solving Treatment in Primary Care, Megan Schoff, Danielle Shumski, and Erin Wilkinson
Changes in Global Mental Health, Vitality, and Social Functioning Over Time in a Group of Religious Sisters, Natalie C. Lawrence and Sarfo K. Nimoh
Intentions Toward Bone Health-Promoting Physical Activity in Overweight and Healthy Weight Women After Bone Density Testing, Sarah J. Bologna, Jennifer M. Hill, and Amanda F.l Meyer
Creating an Interdisciplinary Care Model for a Rural Community Clinic: An Evidence-Based Project, Cassandra L. Narr, Kristine S. Penza, and Thia M. Walkowiak
The Religious Sisters' Study: Describing Differences in Perceptions of Physical Health, Physical Functioning, and General Health, Kaitlin E. Bakker, Michelle M. Klein, and Susan K. Priem
The Effect of Healing Touch on Health-Related Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer Receiving Radiation Therapy, Lora Briese, Kristyn Maixner, and Janelle Wozniak
Somali Immigrant Health: Exploring Relationships Among Concepts Contributing to Healthcare Disparities, Shahrior I. Kayes and Nawang K. Sherpa
A Fall Prevention Guidelines Review and Plan for Implementation, Cynthia R. Niesen
Hydration Status Among Elderly with Dual Cardiovascular and Psychiatric Diagnoses, Kerri L. Bjorkley-Campbell, Jami L. Starling, and Jennifer A. Vagher
Examining the Relationship Between Literacy Level and Healthcare Accessibility Among Underserved Populations of a Free Community Clinic Within an Adult and Family Literacy Center in the Upper Midwest, Michel Benz, Courtney Holtegaard, and Stephanie Vanderboom
Cognition, Fluid Intake, and Length of Stay in Older Adults, Sarah J. Archer, Amy E. Barna, and Roxanna M. Holper
Theses/SIP from 2010
Relationships Between Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Testing and Osteoporosis Prevention Education on Calcium Intake in Perimenopausal Women, Julie A. Graczyk, Lindsey L. Olson, and Kristin T. Peterson
Secondary Analysis Examining the Relationships Between Age, Fear of Recurrence, Symptom Distress, and Psychological Distress in Younger Versus Older Women with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer, Stephanie L. Ahrens, Meghan C. M. Bos, and Emily A. Olson
Fear of Recurrence, Psychological Distress, and Marital Cohesion in Women with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer, Heather L. Carrico, Jodi D. Hellickson, and Cathy L. Mielke
Factors Influencing Healthcare Utilization Within a Free Community Clinic at an Adult and Family Literacy Center, Chinda S. Douangmala, Sarah A. Hayden, and Lindsay E. Young
Relationships Between Falls, Health Perception, and Physical Functioning in a Group of Elderly Women Living Together in a Religious Community, Tammy Friedrich, Teresa Miller, Amy Monsour, and Lauren Tarbell
A Descriptive Correlational Study on Dehydration, Age, and Number of Medical Diagnoses in the Elderly Psychiatric Inpatient, Robert J. Brackle and Anthony J. Swenson
Fear of Recurrence, Spirituality, and Social Adjustment in Women with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: A Secondary Analysis, Deborah Benike, Sarah Wilhelmson, and Ayan Hassan
Psychological Distress in Women with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer, Stephanie R. Cunningham, Amy L. Hansen, and Lily A. Weidall
Gender Differences in Depressed Individuals: Describing Changes in Depressive Symptons During an Acute Hospitalization, Laura M. Ingvalson and Megan R. Eddy
Nurses' Perception of Nursing Diagnosis Based on Specialty Area, Practice Setting and Type of Position, Aminata Cham and Eric J. Engelhardt
Theses/SIP from 2009
Exploration of Osteoporosis Prevention and Cognitive Ability Among Religious Sisters, Mindy Boberg, Amy Jeffers, Karen Prieto, and Heather Repinski
Relationship Between Nursing Outcome Change Scores and Risk Adjustment Variables, Phyllis S. Fisk and Corinne L. Turner
Couples Experiencing Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: An Examination of the Relationship between Length of Marriage, Marital Quality, Marital Communications, and Psychological Adjustment, Sarah E. Blanshan; Kristina M. Cooper; and Jennifer S, Eickhoff
Relationship of Depressive Disorders and Number of Medical Diagnoses with Malnutrition in Geriatric Medical-Psychiatric Patients, Jonathan Scheer and Sara Schlichting
Cardiovascular Disease, Body Mass Index, and Functional Performance in a Group of Religious Sisters: Is There a Relationship?, Kelly Derby, Patricia Gilman, and Brianna Skrukrud
Corportate Wellness Programs: Professional Attitudes and Common Components, Rebbeca Achen
Hypertension and Functional Ability Among a Group of Older Religious Sisters, Colleen A. Thompson, Michele D. Brielmaier, and Richard A. Mokua
Fibromyalgia: Men Versus Women, Cynthia Jones and Jennifer Timm
Level of Obtainment of Different Prescriptive Medications Among Hispanic Migrant Patients: Based on Medical Diagnosis and Medication Categories, Ann Kreuger, Mary Medinnus, and Zhiling Yang
Examining Diagnostic Criteria Excluding Men From A Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, Patricia D. Miller, Jody K. Leise, and Anne M. Beighley
A Descriptive Secondary Analysis: Differences in Outcome Change Scores Based on Discharge Disposition and Gender in the Older Adult Population, Stacy L. Chew and Kari M. Isaak
Nurses' Perceptions Regarding Nursing Diagnosis Based on Level of Preparedness, Eric F. Tanlaka
Depression Related to Activity Level Among a Group of Religious Sisters, Brenda S. Kremer, Serena L. Moor, and Amber M. Stitz
Outcome Change Scores as They Relate to Length of Stay and Readmission in Older Adults, Healther L. Zak, Brenda G. Kirby, and Brenda L. Walsh
Frequency of Prescription Obtainment by Hispanic Migrant Farmworkers Based Upon Selected Variables, Jane C. Korb, Christie Fird, and Michael Kycek
Outcome Change Scores Based on Marital Status and Gender for Older Adults With Pneumonia or Heart Failure, Erin M. Belcher, Damita J. Carryer, and Christina M. Wiekamp
Theses/SIP from 2008
Job Satisfaction Among Registered Nurses Based on Age, Years of Experience as a Registered Nurse, and Shift Work Patterns, Katy M. Anderson, Jennifer L. Hansen, and Lois E. Mandler
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis in Measuring Hydration Status in Elderly Women, Svetlana Y. Schmitz, Melissa L. Schulze, and Nicole A. Wee
Self-Management and Funcitonal Ability Among Religious Sisters with Osteoarthirits, Megan M. Anibas, Julie A. Marthaler, and Thomas C. Reardon
Registered Nurses' Perceptions of Nursing Diagnoses in Relation to Registered Nurse Characteristics, Andrea E. Wagner and Julia A. Jurgensen
The Relationship Among Insurance, Length of Stay, and Negative Thoughts in Depression: A Retrospective Secondary Analysis, Crystal Friesen, Angela Luckhardt, and Kyla Schoenwetter
Relationship Between Discharge Disposition and Length of Stay, Readmissions, and Nursing Diagnoses, Beth M. Hefel, Jill M. Olmscheid, and Michael D. Stark
Diabetes Medication Choice, Adam Brandl, Erin Dickerhoof, and Nicole Schroeder
Differences in Hydration Status and Delirium Among Inpatient Elderly Psychiatric Patients, Kimberly M. Bryant
Theses/SIP from 2007
Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women, Karin Goodman, Vicky Shultz, and Connie Sullivan
Patient Education Effects on Quality of Life in the Patient with Type 2 Diabetes, Melissa M. Miller and Sarah L. Walker
The Relationship Among Dehydration, Cognitive Impairment, and Functional Impairement in the Elderly Medical Psychiatric Inpatient, Jennifer M. Frank and Leah C. Sanner
Body Fat and Prevalence of Breast Cancer among a Group of Religious Sisters, Katie Halbur, Emily Rath, and Charlotte Volkmann
Cardiovascular Disease and Body Fat Among a Group of Post-Menopausal Religious Sisters, Jennifer R. Kaus, Connie S. McCullick, and Jeanne R. Rosendale
Nurses' Perception Regarding the Use and Purposefulness of Nursing Diagnoses with Computer Utilization, Melinda K. Meyer and Ann K. Weis
The Relationship Between RN Job Satisfaction and Accountability, Elizabeth D. Nelson and Emily E. Sorensen
Hispanic Immigrants: Healthcare Problems, Access Barriers, and Referal Patterns, Jennifer A. Grenell, Barbara J. Schmitz, and Tina M. Wangen
Job Satisfaction and Educational Advancement According to the Minnesota Registered Nurse Workforce Survey, Danyel L. Helgeson and Hilaree E. Lore
Nurses' Knowledge of Restraint Utilization with Acutely Confused Elderly, Andrea L. Hauser and Elizabeth J. Larsen
Influence of Dementia on Hydration and Nutritional Status, Jennifer A. Drier
Using the Nursing Interventions Classification to Describe the Work of Adult and Geriatric Nurse Practitioners, Debra S. Coy, John H. Laymon, and J. L. Ronneberg
Theses/SIP from 2006
Cardiovascular Risks, Hypertension and Health Promotion Behaviors Among Elderly Religious Sisters, Virginia M. Darling, Patricia L. Jensen, and Mary E. Kasel
Metabolic Syndrome & Cognitive Impairment: Does A Connection Exist?, Amanda J. Hanson and Chelsey D. Kolbet
Differences in Quaity of Life and Self-Perception of Health for Various Levels of Physical Function Among Elderly Religious Sisters, Erin L. Deerinbg, Denise C. Rollmann, and Rebekah J. Zinnecker
Registered Nurse Job Satisfaction Related to Educational Level and Setting, Adam T. Holland, Tanya J. Huneke, and Kelly K. Scherger
Differences in Nurse Job Satisfaction Related to Years of Experience and Length of Service, Nancy A. Harris and Sarah N. Hunt
A Comparison of Learning Styles, Critical Thinking Skills, and GPA in Basic and Accelerated Option Baccalaureate Nursing Students, Annette Benson and Anne Cassens
The Learning Needs of People with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Savanna C. Borne
Domestic Violence Among Female Employess of a Long Term Care Facility, Dale A. Nasby
Job Satisfaction and Intent to Leave the Nursing Profession, Susan Frosch
Meauring The Effect of Work Environment And Decisional Involvement On Registered Nurses' Individual Accountability, Bridget Carter, Lynn Johnson, and Dale Pfrimmer
The Association of Changes in Body Mass Index, Physical Function, and Cognitive Function Among a Group of Elderly Religious Sisters, Patricia L. Kujala, Pamela J. Mattie, and Karla A. Mees
Body Mass Index and Hypertension Among a Community of Religious Sisters, Connie Schuh and Catherine Wilson
Measuring Risk Using Nursing Diagnoses and Comorbid Conditions with Consequential Length of Stay, Jackeline I. Iseler, Nicole S. Nipper, and Heather K. Ruffin
Knowledge and Attitudes of College-age Students about Emergency Contraception, Debra A. Hystead and Melissa J. Schutz
Theses/SIP from 2005
Falls in the Elderly: Association with Strength and Balance, Matthew Iott, Deirdre Kolb, and Sandra Morisette
Fibromyalgia: Identifying Differences in Diagnosis and Impact Between Males and Females, Michelle Burke and Caroline Groten
Minnesota Nurses' Perceptions of Nursing Diagnoses, Erika L. Beetcher and Erika L. Halverson
The Relationship Between Decisional Involvement, Generational Groupings, and Job Satisfaction, Barbara L. Johnson, Kellie A. Backman, and Amanda M. George
Levels of Risk and Rates of Select Types of Cancer Among a Group of Religious Sisters, Jessica Hinkley-Reese and Heather Stonelake
Job Satisfaction Among Registered Nurses Based Upon Work Shift Patterns, Work Setting, and Age, Kayla Dascher and Tracey Gohmann
Bruise Dating in the Elderly: A Descriptive Analysis, Vickie Lynch and Theresa M. Peliotes
Discharge Planning, Kongmo Nsameluh
Nurse Documentation of Signs and Symptoms Related to Neurtoxicity in Patients Receiving Ifosfamide, Carboplatin, and Etoposide (ICE), Sherry L. Wolf
Comparison of Patient-Reported Barriers to Cancer Pain Mangement Versus Their Oncology Nurses' Perceptions in 18 Hospitalized Patients, Laura J. Luna and Kristin D. F. Negley
Validity of the Coder Impressions Inventory in Coding Videotapped Parent-Child Interactions, Marisa D. Arnoldi, Ida M. Banks, and Kari L. O'Keefe
Functional Changes and Falls Among a Group of Elderly Religious Sisters, Kristen L. Hautala
Health Behaviors and Health Status of Graduate Nursing Students, Douglas Johnson and Jennifer Douglas
Discharge Medication Errors Among People Who Do and Do Not Smoke, Melissa D. Lamb and Beth A. Sievers
The Braden Scale and Nursing Documentation: A Secondary Analysis, Holly C. Wright, M. J. Miller, and Susanna K. Cook
Evaluation of Postoperative Pain Relief in Neurosurgical Patients Undergoing Laminectomy Surgery, Kirsten M. Hayford
The Differences in Body Mass Indexes for Various Functional Levels Among a Group of Religious Sisters, Kristine Day and Rachelle Holycross
Comparison of Job Satisfaction Among Diploma/Associate and Baccalaureate Prepared Nurses, Yoland Jennissen, Alicia Pfeilsticker, and Amy White
Theses/SIP from 2004
Calcium Intake, Hormone Replacement Therapy, and Bone Mineral Density Among a Group of Religious Sisters, Anne Bulh, Shannon Huber, and Allison Meisheid
Incidence of Colorectal Cancer Among Religious Sisters, Tammy Klaus and Sara Young
A Descriptive Study of Hearing Impairment and Falls in Elderly Religious Sisters: A Secondary Analysis, Donna Kamann and Theresa Bender
Registered Nurse Job Satisfaction and Collective Bargaining Unit Membership Status, Jennifer Pittman
Perceptions and Characteristics of Registered Nurses' Involvement in Decision Making, Kara L. Mangold, Kristina K. Pearson, and Julie R. Schimtz
The Effects of a Nursing Career Awareness Program of Elementary Students' Image of Nursing and Career Choice, Elisa M. Johnson and Debra J. Rowekamp
The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Self-Care in Diabetes Education, Amy J. Koenings
Academic Nurse Faculty Shortage: Identifying Career Orientations of Nurse Educators, Lynn R. Alcock
Correlation of the Pre-Operative Ankle-Brachial-Index and Pulse Volume Recording With Impaired Saphenous Vein Incisional Wound Healing Among Post-Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Patients, Connie M. Jackie and Jamie J. Haraden