The Nursing Masters Papers collection includes the full text of the theses and scholarly inquiry papers (SIP) starting the fall 2019 semester through the most recently completed semester. This collection also includes the citations of student works which were written before Fall 2019. If a student grants permission digitized copies are made available. Print copies of masters papers before the fall of 2019 are available in the WSU Library and can be searched through the Library's catalog.


Theses/SIP from 2004

Mammography Among Uninsured Women, Elisha R. Jacobs

Depression Among a Community of Religious Sisters, Dawn Ritter and Emerlee Stilley

Cardiovascular Disease and Cholesterol Among a Community of Elderly Religious Sisters, Peggy M. Stimpert

Describing the Perceived Learning Needs of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Marny L. Carlson

Water Intake in School Aged Children, Janet Swanson

Job Satisfaction of Rural Nurses, Lori E. Frahm and Michelle C. Hedin

The Parent/Child Experience of Taking Oral Glutamine in a Research Study, Diana L. Barr

An Analysis of Parent's Experiences With the Diagnosis of Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) in Their Family, Monica Farnsworth

Barriers to Effective Patient Teaching: Perceptions of Nurses in Rural Settings, S. K. Meyers

Hearing and Quality of Life Among a Group of Religious Sisters, Cheryl Casperson and Madonna Daley

Measuring the Effects of Education on Registered Nurses' Individual Accountability, Jean L. Loes

Student Nurses' Self-Rated and Tested Knowledge of Home-Based Early Intervention Services for At-Risk Families, Melanie Glynn and Janell Melhouse

Theses/SIP from 2003

Physical Function of Elderly Religious Sisters, Jennifer L. Behrns and Julie O. Johnson

Health Perception and Health Behaviors in School-Aged Children, Amy Beyerstedt and Nancee Quinn

Acute Care Nuse Case Management: An Innovative Approach, Michele L. Yeadon

Nutrition Behaviors of the Rural Elderly and Their Association with Perceived Health Status, Amy J. Brown

Nurse Faculty Career Pathway, Audrey K. Nervig and Susan M. Sullivan

Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Child Behavior in At-Risk Families with Children Ages 2 - 6, Dona Hebrink

The Influence of Context on Assessment Data, Duane K. Ellsworth and Heather J. Harms

Job Satisfaction and Intent to Leave the Nursing Profession, Marci Denn

Functional Status as an Indicator of the Use of Non-routine Discharge Planning in the Acute Care Setting, Kristine A. Kock, Rebecca M. Salaban, and Deborah K. Varrelmann

FIM™ Scores, FIM™ Efficiency, Metric, and Discarge Disposition Following Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation, Patti Bieber and Kari Bottemiller

Effects of Interinstitutional Relocation On Long-Term Care Residents, Jennifer A. Bold

The Effect of Age and Comorbidity and the use of Routine versus Non-routine Discharge Planning, Sandy Nichols and Bogna Mustwillo

Acceptance of Nurse Practitioners by the Rural Elderly Dining at Dining Centers, Sarah A. Reiland

Psychological Stressors and Quality of Life Among Primary Caregivers to Heart Transplant Cnadidates and Recipients, Laura Fenske

Accessing hospice: Perspectives of health care providers, nurses and caregivers, Traci J. Morken

Theses/SIP from 2002

Effects of Therapeutic Harp Music on the Hospitalized Patients' Experience of Pain, Holly Euclide and Michelle Barcelona

Loneliness, depression and affect balance among nursing home residents: Examining the effects of the "Time Our for Grandparents" program, Nancy Hust

Relocation as a Result of a Long-Term Care Facility Closure: Reported Effect on Staff, Joan H. Henely and Sharon K. Prinsen

Outcomes of Asthma Education among People 65 and Older, Elizabeth Speltz

Knowledge and Attitudes of Emergency Nurses Regarding Pain Management, Terri A. Bergeron

Depression Coping Self-Efficacy and Depressive Symptoms: A Two-Year Folow-up Study, Carol Fristedt and Pam Pierce

The Effect of a Follow-up Phone Call on Medical Patients' Perception of Understanding, Adherence, and Satisfaction with Instructions and Education About Post Hospital Care, Heidi K. Reich

Effect of Exercise On Walking Ability and Perceived Exertion in Individuals with Knee Osteoarthritis, Yumiko Hirao

Mechanism of Injury, Characteristics, and Outcomes of Patients over Age 60 Hospitalized with a Pelvic Fracture, Joanne H. Heathmann

Spuse Caregiver Transitions Associated with Nursing Home Placement, Lola M. Johnson

Associations Between Frailty and Functional Status in Older Adults, Shari Eversman and Kathy Augustine

The Effect of Non-Nutritive Sucking on Agitation in a Demented Elder: A Pilot Study, Kirsten M. Wyffels

Serial Orthostatic Measurements in Elderly Females, Stacy M. Boehm, Susan E. Heitman, and Michelle M. Wolf

Spiritual Well-Being, Distress, and Perception of Health Following a Myocardial Infarction: A Descriptive Correlational Study, Sara L. Arnold

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Disorder of Extreme Stress in Children Following Sexual Abuse, Susan J. Buck

The Relationship Among Number of Pack Years Smoked, Length of Time Since Smoking Cessation, and Postoperative Complications and Wuality of Life Following Esophageal or Lung Resection Surgery, Colleen Byrnes and Kelly Gillett

Challenge and Primary Appraisal: Predicting Somatic Health Outcomes In an Oncology Population, Jan Vrchota and Patricia McLean

Theses/SIP from 2001

Cholesterol Among a Community of Elderly Religious Sisters, Jennifer Elmer and Deanna Erickson

Effect of Nursing Home Resident Relocation on Family Members, Rosemarie Hoff, Julie Smith, and Kathleen Bricco-Jablonski

Rural Nurses' Perceptions of Stress Related to Shiftwork, Sandra J. Herron, La Donna D. McGohan, and Margaret A. S. Senn

Health Risk Appraisal Among Male Professional Church Workers, Louise J. Gorzycki

Prevalence of Hypertension and Perceived Stress Among a Community of Religious Sisters, Jeanne Voll and Shauna Schad

A Descriptive Study of the Health Status of Elderly Religious Sisters, Lisa Brase, Sherry Chesak, Cate Hellman, and Megan Pfrimmer

Incidence of Breast Cancer and Frequency of Mammograms Among Catholic Sisters Between 1985 and 1999, Lynn Orlowski

Body Temperature and Select Indicators of Infection in an Aged Emergency Department Patient Population, Lori A. Bauler

Patients Involved in Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Crashes: Identification of a Chemical Dependency Evaluation Prior to Hospital Discharge, Mary L. Schacht and Jane M. Kirmse

Factors that Influence a Multiparous Woman's Feeding Choice for Her Newborn, Jo Ann F. White

Quality of Life Among Ursodeoxycholic Acid Treated Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Patients, Roberta A. Jorgensen

Theses/SIP from 2000

The Relationship of Patient Satisfaction with Pain Management to Overall Satisfaction with Hospitalization: A Secondary Study, Marie A. Litscher

Terms Used to Describe the Concept of Acute Postoperative Abdominal Pain and the Extent to which These Terms Can Be Mapped to Source Vocabularies, Lisa Downer and Tristen Lee

Leadership and Job Satisfaction in Home Health Care, Marcia M. Knutson

Effect of Select Skin Care Products on Adult Diaper Absorbency, Connie M. Hoppe and Elizabeth M. Wirt

Effects of a Low Intensity Weight-Bearing Exercise Program on C-Reactive Protein Levels of Individuals with Osteoarthritis of the Knee, Laura K. Evenson and Ronda M. Nading

Differences Between Patients Diagnosed with a Depressive Disorder Admitted to a Partial Hospitalization Program versus an Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment Program, Susan R. Brust

Representing Pain in the Electronic Medical Record, Debra A. Schiller and Katherine K. Seelandt

A Study of the Association Between Pra™ Scores of Hospitalized Adult Patients and Readmission With 31 Days, Peter Bennett and Suzane Kennebeck

Impact of Illness, Life Fulfillment, and Depressive Symptoms Among Patients with Fibromyalgia, Angela C. Pfeiffer

The Effect of an Educational Program on Nursing Home Nurses' Pain Knowledge, Assessment, and Intervention Strategies on Nursing Home Residents with Pain, Renee M. Iverson and Elizabeth A. Robb

The Effect of Exercise on Interleukin-6 Levels in the Synovial Fluid of Osteoarthritic Knees, Kathy Ferguson and Denise Ring

The Relationship Between Male and Female Adolscents' Knowledge of Breastfeeding and Their Attitutdes Towards Breastfeeding, Rhonda Hemann and Stephanie Sulla

Accuracy of Accelerometer Instruments for Estimation of Energy Expenditure in a Population of Elderly Individuals with Osteoarthritis of the Knee and an Abnormal Gait, Susanne R. Mlsna and Deanne L. Romaine

Families of Persons with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness and their Ratings of Use and Value of Mental Health Services in a Southeastern Minnesota Community, Kathryn M. Collins and Teresa M. Richards

The Efffects of a Structured Cardiac Education Program on Post Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty and/or Stent Patients' Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge Retention and Health-Promoting Behaviors, Andrea Eickhoff and Karyl Tammel

The Healthcare Needs of Elderly Catholic Sisters, Melanie K. Johnson

Critical Analysis of Two Public Health Interventions, Kathryn Lammers

Pain During Transurethral Thermotherapy for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia: A Comparative Descriptive Study, Karen A. Hanson

Effect of Caregiver Perception of Preparedness of Burden in an Oncology Population, Mary Scherbring

Theses/SIP from 1999

Postoperative Pain in Patients with Known Residual Malignancy, Nona L. Thackeray and Margaret M. Vogel

Use of the Autolaunch Method of Dispatching an Emergency Helicopter, Kathleen Berns

An Investigation to Determine the Mother's Perceived Helpfulness of Rembered Nursing Interventions Surrounding Miscarriage, Johanna Meyer and Kathy Demmer

Examining Critical Care Registered Nurses' Practice Regarding Family Interventions For Adults Receiving Care Following A Traumatic Accident, Carole E. Jenson

A Pilot Study of the Content Coverage of a Nurse Practitioner's Documentation Against Selected Coding and Classification Systems, Faith P. Handevidt

An Investigation of the Co-Occurrence of Depression Indicators and Nursing Diagnoses, Melissa M. Jordan and Susan M. Mundt

Continence Promotion for Community Dwelling Older Women in Rural Iowa, JoAnn Ermer-Sltun

Skin Cancer Awareness and Prevention Practices Among North Central Iowa Farmers, Susan Wojcik, Stacey Rosenberg, and Greg Larson

Evaluation of Anxiety and Patient Satisfaction Related to Preoperative Education, Kim McPhee, Judy Osterman, and Krista Swenson

Predictors of Fatigue in Breast Cancer Patients: A Secondary Analysis, Amy Nelson and Katie Tu

Ambulation Status-Post Femoral Artery Hemostasis by Collagen Plug Versus Mechanical Compression: Trends in Back Pain and Femoral Artery Site Complications, Lorinna Dessner, Penny Kalpin, and Joyce Rodgers-Johnson

Exploration of the Level of Work Stressors Among Long-Term Care Staff in a Rural Midwestern Department of Veterans' Affairs Medical Center, Diane F. Wilson

Assisting Commercial Airlines with Medical Emergencies, Judy Helgerson

Theses/SIP from 1998

The Effect of Age and Coexistent Disease on Traumatic Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury: Functional Outcome and Discharge Disposition, Lisa Beck

A Secondary Analysis of Pain Intensity and Patient Satisfaction with Pain Management in Post-Abdominal Surgery Patients, Gayle Baird and Laura Swenson

A Longitudinal, Prospective Pilot Study Examining the Perceived Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Before and After Treatment with Interferon, Andrea A. Gossard

A Descriptive Study of Delayed Screening for Sexually Transmitted Disease in a Population of Women Self Treating Symptoms with Over-the-Counter Antifungal Medications, Jeanne M. Thoreson

Parents' Knowledge and Percpetions About Fever in Children: A Descriptive Study, Jayne Gilmore and LeAnn Johnson

Self Perceived Physical, Psychological and Spiritual Well-Being of Primary Caregivers of Home Hospice Patients, Lynn S. Borkenhagen

Investigation of Exclusive Breastfeeding Rates of High Risk Infants in the NICU Before and After Implementation of Goal Directed Breastfeeding Management, Irene E. Berg

Living in Two Worlds: A Phenomenological Study of Health Care and End of Life Decisions of the Hmong, Cathy Ford and Sara Moldenhauer

The Accuracy and Precision of the Omrom HEM-725 Oscillometric Device as Compared to the Standard Reference Method for Measuring Blood Pressure, Teresa G. Cascino, Elizabeth Morice, and Rebecca Biesanz

Interrater Agreement in the Assessment of the Human Energy Field, Ann Hiniker

Self-Reported Health Problems In A Nurse Case Manged Geriatric Population Using the Omaha System: A Secondary Analysis, Esther Miller

Illness Demands Placed on Husbands of Women with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer, Karen T. Warfield

Exploring Age-Related Differences in Reported Pain and Pain Medication Use in the Adult Surgical Patient, Barbara J. Timm and Martha L. Guthmiller