The Nursing Masters Papers collection includes the full text of the theses and scholarly inquiry papers (SIP) starting the fall 2019 semester through the most recently completed semester. This collection also includes the citations of student works which were written before Fall 2019. If a student grants permission digitized copies are made available. Print copies of masters papers before the fall of 2019 are available in the WSU Library and can be searched through the Library's catalog.


Theses/SIP from 1998

The Dimensions of Hope in Patients Enrolled in Phase I Clinical Trials for Treatment of Cancer, Jane A. Schaller

A Comparative Description of the Differences in Leadership Characteristics of Associate Degree, Baccalaureate, and RN to BSN Nursing Students, Linda Muehlenbein

Performance of Infrared Emission Detection and Oral/Axillary Electronic Digital Thermometers in Febrile and Afebrile Children, Jennifer A. Bishop, Cheryl A. Niewoehner, and Claudia L. Swanton

Theses/SIP from 1997

Barrier Identification to a Preoperative Education Class Attendance, Donna Miller and Jennifer Roslien

The Accuracy of the Tympamic Thermometer as an Alternative to Rectal and Axillary Thermometry in Full-Term Neonates, Mary Kramer and Kari Strandell

Association of the Pressure Ulcer Predictive Variables of the Minimum Data Set and the Norton Scale in Nursing Home Residents, Katherine L. Loftberg

A Comparison of Critical Thinking Dispositions and Skills Between Entering and Exiting Generic Baccalaureate Nursing Students: A Secondary Analysis, Dawn A. Nelson and Gretchen A. McCloskey

Patient Satisfaction and Nursing Care Behaviors, Susan M. Stiene

Formal Education Preparation and Level of Professional Nursing Autonomy, Carol J. Stockinger

Associate Degree Nursing Education: If and How Ethics is Taught in a Small Midwestern State, Patricia C. Martin

The Effect of a Research Utilization Project on Nurses' Beliefs and Practices in the Management of Second Stage Labor: A Secondary Analysis of Data, Jerelyn M. Sehl

The Relationship of Critical Thinking Ability, Disposition for Critical Thinking, and Academic Performance in Second Year Associate Degree Nursing Students, Marcia L. Hillman

Pediatric Endotracheal Suctioning Practice and Complications: A Research Utilization Pilot Study, Darcy M. Mullenbauch

Professionalism of Nurse Practioners in Minnesota, Michael J. Muehlenbein

A Comparison Study of Strict Isolation Versus Modified Strict Isolation and the Effect on Rate of Infection in Heart and Lung Transplant Patients: A Secondary Analysis, Lisa M. Mundy and Susanne M. Cutshall

A Pilot Study To Examine The Effects of Medical and Surgical Unit Occupancy Rates on Nursing Productivity, Jaqueline M. Attlesey-Pries

A Pilot Study: Weekly Levels of Fatigue in Women with Stage I or II Breast Cancer Receiving Outpatient Radiation Therapy, Janine E. Kokal and Lori A. Thicke

The Effect of an Anti-Smoking Education Intervention of Junior Students at a Private, Catholic High School, DeWayne Gallenberg

The Lived Experience of Intractable Epilepsy: A Phenomenological Study, Joyce Nelson and Amy Zwygart

Patient Satisfaction with Nurse Practitioners, Janell R. Grazzini and Linda A. Eckstein

Practices of Fever Management and Parent Education Among Primary Care Providers, Joan M. Queen and Elynn M. Welle

Theses/SIP from 1996

Determining the Need for a Pregnancy Test in the Emergency Department for a Complaint of Abdominal Pain Based on Recorded Patient History, Diane Wrobleski

The Relationship of General Health Perception in Patients, On Entry Into and Discharge From, A Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation Program, Susan A. Mullenbach

Doughnut Pressure Dressing for Prevention of Blistered Pressure Ulcers Associated with the FemoStop™ Pneumatic Compression Device in Anticoagulated Coronary Artery Stent Patients, Jane A. Linderbaum

Effectiveness of Multifaceted Treatment of Eating Disorders of the Constructs of Ineffectiveness, Body Dissatisfaction, and Depression: A Secondary Analysis, Sally Keating and Ann McKay

Testing the Feasibility of the Use of the Uniform Needs Asessment Instrutment: A Descriptive Case Study, Gale M. Hess and Eileen McMyler

A Pilot Study Examining the Effect of an Irritable Bowel Syndrom (IBS) Educational Class on the Short and Long-Term Outcome of Health Promoting Behaviors and Symptoms, Lori J. Colwell

Effect of Nursing Intervention Using Referent Power on Well-Being and Health Promoting Activities in Chronic Arterial Occlusive Disease, Diane Schaldach

The Practice Framework and Professional Role of the Oncology Nurse Practitioner: A Qualitive Perspective, Mark Thalacker and Michelle H. Weber

Evaluation of the Feedback From Employers of Graduates From a Baccalaureate Program in Nursing, Bin Yang

A Pilot Study to Describe Patient Complications and Patient Status Changes in the First Twenty Four Hours After Invasive Coronary Procedures, Jean A. Jurek

Concept Analysis: Collaboration, Margaret Arko

Psychosocial Adjustment to Hemodialysis: The Roles of Uncertainty and Social Support, Julie K. Brown

Perceptions and Feelings of Nurses about their Experiences with Patient-Nurse Care Reciprocity in a Closed Adolescent Psychiatric Setting: A Phenomenological Study, Patrick J. Dean

The Sensitivity of the Uniform Needs Assessment Instrument in Detecting Changes in Hospitalized Elderly Patients' Needs from Admission to Discharge: A Secondary Analysis, Janet L. Finley and Linda K. Griebenow

Health Related Hardiness and Psychosocial Adaptation in Rural, Elderly Women with Chronic Illness, Diane Palm and Roxie Tienter

Patient Satisfaction: A Secondary Analysis of Changes in Discharge Planning Practice, Janyce McHale and Jill S. Ohland

Theses/SIP from 1995

Nurses' Attitudes Toward Physical Assault by Patients, Marybeth Partington

Socialization Into the Differentiated Nursing Roles of Case Manager and Case Associate, Mary L. Gerke and Mary K. Proksch

Critical Thiking Dispositions of Registered Nurses in Clinical Practice, Laura Hopkins and Karen Roller

Sexually Transmitted Disease Education Intervention for College Students, Janice Seys and Carol Burgmeier

Coping and Adjustment of Spouses of Patients with Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Postoperatively, Beth O'Donnell

Implementation of the Pain Resource Nurse Program at a Midwestern Teaching Hospital, Yvonne Cronin

Perceived Quality of Life of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Receipients, Pamela McCabe

The Nurse's Role as Patient Advocate with Advance Directives, Ruth Berns and Shirley Newberry

A Pilot Study to Examine Patients with Coronary Artery Disease and Their Perceptions of Factors That Influence Their Motivation to Adhere to Their Prescribed Medical Regimen, Kendra Turnage

The Relationship Between Parental Locus of Contorl and Nurturance, Sonja J. Meiers

Evaluation of a Critical Care Nursing Fellowship Program, Doreen J. Gudlin and Mary L. Heyrman

How Nursing Students Perceive Caring and Noncaring Behaviors of Nursing Instructors, Donna Schumacher

Levels of Uncertainty in Adults with Diabetes Mellitus from Three Community Settings, Judy Hanscom

The Relationship Between General Health Perception and Acute Care Consumption in Chronically Ill Patients Admitted to a Community-Based Case Management Program, Kimberly A. Larson and Melissa M. Schultz

Comparison of Costs Between Two Experimental Nursing Care Delivery Systems Using New Assistive Roles and the Current System, Doreen K. Frusti

Elderly Clinical Preventive Services Provided by Iowa Nurse Practioners as Compared to Selected Health People 2000 Objectives, Marsha A. Rosendahl

Pressure Ulcers as a Surgical Complication: A Study of Incidence and Predisposing Conditions, Jaclyn K. Whelen

Theses/SIP from 1994

Accuracy of Electocardiogram Lead Placement and Selection by Intensive Care Unit Nurses, Debra A. Hernke

Hospitalized Long Term Ventilator Patients: Perceptions of Quality of Life, Sharon Gunderson

Admission Day Surgical Patients' Perceptions of Their Pre-Operative Teaching: A Replication Study, Delayne Vogel

Exploring the Quality of Nursing Care: A Comparison of Nurse and Patient Satisfaction, Diane M. Carney

Comparison of Hospice Patients' and Hospice Nurses' Perceptions of Important Nurse Caring Behaviors, Peggy J. Mossholder and Carrie L. Lapham

Relationship of Hope Levels and Health-Related Hardiness Levels in Independtly-Functioning Older Adults, Helen Lethlean and Rose Peterson

Caring Behaviors Perceived by Patients and Nursing Students, Laurie Degroot and Patricia Zwanziger

Nausea and Aversion Associated with Oral Cryotherapy in Chemotherapy Patients A Pilot Study, Ann M. Dose

Political Participation of Registered Nurses in Minnesota, Nancy L. Genelin

Relaxation: Effect of Chemotherapy-Related Nausea and Vomiting, Katlheen M. Graham

Nursing Diagnosis: Relationships of Accuracy, Perception, and Education, Carol J. Oldenburg

Hope-inspiring strategies of spouses of critically ill adults, Christy C. Patel

A Pilot Study: Is There a Difference Among Professional Staff Nurses' Perceptions of Participation in Shared Decision Making?, Sheila Nadeau

The Nature and Experience of Nurses Caring for Nurses, Judy Talbott

The Utility of Using the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale at Two-weeks and Six-weeks, Ana M. Schaper

Family Satisfaction with Care of the Terminally Ill, Diane Hansen and Tamara Schwichtenberg

An Investigation of Hospital Staff Nurse Preferences of First-Line Nurse Manager Activities, William D. Corser

Theses/SIP from 1993

Parental Stress and Coping: A Comparison of First Time Admissions and Repeated Admissions to a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Maria T. Gonyea

The Roles and Functions of Public Nursing Administrators, Nancy Faber

Effects Telephone Follow-Up Calls Have After Rehabilitation on Functional Outcomes and Health Care Utilization of Post Cerebrovascular Accident Patients, Debra K. Groath

The Effect of Bedrest on Muscle Strength and Weight in the Pregnant Woman - A Pilot Study, Rebecca Henderson and Jane A. Timm

A Description of Reliability and Avaliability of Nursing Minimum Data Set Elements in a Home Care Agency, Therese Johnson and Mary Ellen Ziebell

Client Satisfaction with Home Health Care, Letitia Geanon and Ellen Milad

An Investigation of the Relationship between Health Locus of Control and Compliance of Hemodialysis Patients, Chiu-Chu Lin

Holistic Health: A Concept Analysis and Model, Cheryl A. Lovlien

Theses/SIP from 1992

Comparison of Differences in the Incidence of Phlebitis From Intravenous Needles Instead in Two Different Environments, Ramona F. Rasmussen

Nursing Case Management: Effect on Hospital Costs, Rebecca L. Lossen

A Monitored Medication Conpliance Program and its Effect on Relapse and Readmission for the Psychiatric Client, Catherine Shea

Factors in Work Environments Influencing Creativity in Nurses, Merrily J. Hazelton and Marla J. Kaufmann

Structured Education: Effect On Health-Promoting Behavior, Laurie J. Kohner Becker

Fatigue and Patient Initiated Interventions to Reduce Fatigue in Women with Breast Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy, Jennifer Hazelton

Cancer Patients' and Nurses' Perceptions of Important Nurse Caring Behaviors, Carol Brueggen and Deanna McCauley

Women With Breast Cancer: A Secondary Data Analysis of Journals From the Outward Bound Experience, Tammy Wozney

Identification of Learning Needs By First-Line Nurse Managers, M. Antoinette Ebeling

Identification of Diabetic Patients Learning Needs, Mary B. Kuehn

The Experience of Being Cared-for by Nursing Faculty: A Student Perspective, Lynn E. Hanson

Health-Related Hardiness and the Infant Feeding Decision in Primiparous Women, Diane V. Nicholls

Nursing Diagnosis: Assessment of Use in North Central Iowa, Peggy Kerr

Theses/SIP from 1991

Description of Health Risk Behaviors in Pregnant Women Before and After Pregnancy, Kathleen M. Beyer

Sleep Pattern Disturbance: Nursing Interventions Received by Patients as Facilitating Nocturnal Sleep in a Hospital, Lois M. Sanwick

Resuscitation Discussion Experienced of Patients Hospitalized in a Coronary Care Unit, Diane E. Larson

Non-nutritive Sucking: Comparison of Function and Nutrition Between Effective and Ineffective Groups, Alice Syverson, Judith Hass, and Dorothy Gusa

Hope Levels and Psychosocial Adjustment in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Patients, Barbara S. McBride

Therapeutic Suggestions: Effect on Postoperative Outcome, Sara S. Gabrick and David R. DeMask

An Exploratory Study of Oral Fluid Intake By Elderly Clients in A Nursing Home, Linda Butterworth

Identification and Description of Patients' Perceptions of a Critical Care Experience, Bonnie L. Rung