"How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Changed the Well-Being and Athletic Iden" by Malissa LeClaire


This qualitative study explored the changes that collegiate student-athletes have experienced in their well-being and athletic identity throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The research was conducted through individual interviews. Participants indicated changes in their well-being that they experienced included: (1) uncertainty, (2) limited social interactions, and (3) maintenance of physical health. Participants also indicated that the changes they experienced in their athletic identities included: (1) a stronger athletic identity, and (2) the transition out of athletics. Recommendations for future research include expanding the study to a larger sample size and examining the psychological effects the student-athletes experienced from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Date Capstone Completed


Document Type

Capstone Paper

Degree Name

Masters of Science in Leadership Education: Sport Management


Leadership Education


Theresa Waterbury





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