Content Posted in 2025
Adolescent Dieting and Eating Disorders: Considerations for Counselors, Josephine Sticha
Almost Passing: Using Disability Disclosure to Recalibrate Able-Bodied Bias in the Classroom, Julie-Ann Scott and Kelly P. Herold
An Assessment of College Students' Attitudes toward Using an Online E-Textbook, Emilie O. Falc
Anything but Real: Body Idealization and Objectification ofMTV Docusoap Characters, Mark A. Flynn, Sung-Yeon Park, David T. Morin, and Alexandru Stana
A Post from the Woods: Social Media, Well-Being and Our Connection to the Natural World, Mark A. Flynn, Emery Veilleux, and Alexandru Stana
“A Spirit that Can Never Be Told”: Commemorative Agency and the Texas A & M University Bonfire Memorial, Adam J. Gaffey and Jennifer L. Jones Barbour
Battling the Stigma: Combat Veterans’ Use of Social Support in an Online PTSD Forum, Alexandru Stana, Mark A. Flynn, and Eugenie Almeida
“Being a Mom = Having All the Feels”: Social Support in a Postpartum Depression Online Support Group, Alexandru Stana and Alanna R. Miller
Boardwalk Empire, Shell Shock and the Great War: The Characters of Militarism, Brion White
Citizen-Sourcing and Reframing Environmental Discourse: An Analysis of Frances Moore Lappé’s EcoMind, Emilie O. Falc
City of Winona Comprehensive Plan 2045: Winona, Minnesota, City of Winona-Minnesota
Cognitive Maps Assess News Viewer Ethical Sensitivity, Rebecca A. Lind, David L. Rarick, and Tammy T. Swenson-Lepper
Communication Ethics in the Communication Curriculum: United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico, Tammy Swenson-Lepper
Communications Ethics: Activities for Critical Thinking and Reflection, Tammy Swenson-Lepper
Communication Strategies in Employment Interviews for Applicants with Disabilities, Kelly Herold
‘Community’ As a Guiding Theme for the Public Speaking Course, Tammy Swenson Lepper
Cripistemology and Creative Practice: Disability, Aesthetics, Digital Art, Generative AI, Talan Memmott PhD
Cyberbullies, Trolls, and Stalkers: Students’ Perceptions of Ethical Issues in Social Media, Tammy Swenson-Lepper and April Kirby
Dancescape Poster 2022, Winona State University
Data Analytics: Role of Technology in College Sport Training, Quentin Pringle
Discovering Culture and Communication on the World Wide Web, Jin Xu
Ethical Sensitivity Assessment in Educational Settings: Examining Awareness of Ethical Issues Related to Media and Diversity, Rebecca A. Lind and Tammy Swenson-Lepper
Ethical Sensitivity, Cognitive Mapping, and Organizational Communication: A Different Approach to Studying Ethics in Organizations, Tammy Swenson Lepper
Ethical Sensitivity for Organizational Communication Issues: Examining Individual and Organizational Differences, Tammy Swenson Lepper
Examining Students’ Social Media Use and Ethical Awareness: Class Activities and “Coastal Succulents”, Robert L. Ballard and Tammy Swenson-Lepper
Facebook: Student Perceptions of Ethical Issues About Their Online Presence, Tammy Swenson Lepper
Flip the Switch: Virtue, Programming, and the Prospect of Automatic Agency in WALL•E, Adam J. Gaffey
Giving "Timeless Effect to the Farewell Address": Repetition and Reflection in the United States Senate, Adam J. Gaffey
Hopi Katsina Carvings: From the Don Redlich Collection, Wilson Tawaquaptewa
Horticulture Interventions Impact on Eating Disorder Symptoms, Taylor Kline
Human-Centered Leadership: Cultivating Purpose, Empathy, and Collective Growth, Becky Evers-Gerdes and Bryan Matera
Identifying Patterns of Ethical Sensitivity in TV News Viewers: An Assessment of Some Critical Viewing Skills, Rebecca A. Lind, Tammy T. Swenson Lepper, and David L. Rarick
Introducing the Rhetoric of Narratives with Barack Obama’s Of Thee I Sing, Adam J. Gaffey
Large U.S. Newspapers Update Their Websites More Often, Jin Xu
‘‘Let’s Get This Party Started!’’: An Analysis of Health Risk Behavior on MTV Reality Television Shows, Mark A. Flynn, David T. Morin, Sung-Yeon Park, and Alexandru Stana
Making the Lover’s Leap: Wenonah, Rhetorical Colonialism, and Dissociative Memory(-)Work, Adam J. Gaffey
Measuring Sensitivity to Conflicts of Interest: A Preliminary Test of Method, Rebecca A. Lind and Tammy Swenson Lepper
Measuring Sensitivity to Conflicts of Interest: A Preliminary Test of Method, Rebecca A. Lind and Tammy Swenson-Lepper
Meridians and Mind-Body Congruence: Spirituality Aspects of Healing in a HomeopathicCare Setting, Athena du Pre and Tammy Swenson Lepper
Mobile Learning Technologies: Aligning Mission with Innovation, Chad Kjorlien and Amy Hermodson
Obama's Change: Republicanism, Remembrance, and Rhetorical Leadership in the 2007 Presidential Announcement Speech, Adam J. Gaffey
Pasque Flower: Anemone Patens, Richard B. Pearce
Peer Reporting of Coworker Wrongdoing: A Qualitative Analysis of Observer Attitudes in the Decision to Report versus Not Report Unethical Behavior, Granville King III and Amy Hermodson
Personalization Patterns in Developing, Stable, and Deteriorating Relationships, Lisa Glueck and Joe Ayres
Professional Development for Educators on Emotional Regulation and Functions of Behavior, Amanda C. Harmon
Race/Sex Interactions and HIV Testing Among College Students, Karen McElrath, Alexandru Stana, and Angela Taylor
Reaching college readiness: Barriers and effective Interventions for parents and students of low socioeconomic status, Kailee Johnson
Reading Sound: Freedom and Constraint within Music Media Designs, Aaron Lohmeyer
Recollecting Union: ‘‘Rebel Flags’’ and the Epideictic Vision of Washington’s Farewell Address, Adam J. Gaffey
Retention of Employees in Student Affairs positions in Private Higher Education, LaNita Robinson
Return to Nature's Garden, Richard B. Pearce
Sensitivity to Research Misconduct: A Conceptual Model, Rebecca A. Lind and Tammy Swenson Lepper
Social Media, COVID-19, Misinformation, and Ethics: A Descriptive Study of American Adults' Perceptions, Tammy Swenson-Lepper and Heidi J. Hanson
Social Support in a Men's Online Eating Disorder Forum, Mark A. Flynn and Alexandru Stana
Struggling to Recover or Recovering the Struggle: A Critical Examination of Recovery Narratives as Discourses-in-Practice for People Suffering from Postpartum Depression, Alanna R. Miller and Alexandru Stana
Student Senate Meeting Minutes August 27, 2024, Student Senate-Winona State University
Student Senate Meeting Minutes February 3, 2025, Student Senate-Winona State University
Student Senate Meeting Minutes January 13, 2025, Student Senate-Winona State University
Student Senate Meeting Minutes January 27, 2025, Student Senate-Winona State University
Student Senate Meeting Minutes November 12, 2024, Student Senate-Winona State University
Student Senate Meeting Minutes November 19, 2024, Student Senate-Winona State University
Student Senate Meeting Minutes November 5, 2024, Student Senate-Winona State University
Student Senate Meeting Minutes October 1, 2024, Student Senate-Winona State University
Student Senate Meeting Minutes October 14, 2024, Student Senate-Winona State University
Student Senate Meeting Minutes October 22, 2024, Student Senate-Winona State University
Student Senate Meeting Minutes October 29, 2024, Student Senate-Winona State University
Student Senate Meeting Minutes October 8, 2024, Student Senate-Winona State University
Student Senate Meeting Minutes September 10, 2024, Student Senate-Winona State University
Student Senate Meeting Minutes September 17, 2024, Student Senate-Winona State University
Student Senate Meeting Minutes September 24, 2024, Student Senate-Winona State University
Student Senate Meeting Minutes September 3, 2024, Student Senate-Winona State University
Supporting LGBTQ+ Students in Rural Schools: Strategies for School Counselors to Enhance Protective Factors, Madison J. Nelson
Teaching Communication Ethics and Diversity: Using Technology and Community Engagement to Enhance Learning, Tammy Swenson Lepper
Teaching Communication Ethics as Central to the Discipline, Robert L. Ballard
The Impact of Mood on message Formulation: A Study of Emotion and Message Design Logic, Kelly Herold, Jerri Rudloff, and Shirley Whitfield
The Performance and Maintenance of Standpoint Within an Online Community, Joshua D. Atkinson, Clayton Rosati, and Alexandru Stana
Trauma-Informed Care within Neurodivergent Populations, Adrianna Black
Use of Survey Research in Top Mass Communication Journals 2001–2010 And the Total Survey Error Paradigm, Louisa Ha, Xiao Hu, Ling Fang, and Sarah Henize
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Social Anxiety in Adolescents, April Fohrman
Water is Life: Shared Destinies, Emilie O. Falc
“Where Do I Belong, from Laguna Beach to Jersey Shore?”: Portrayal of Minority Youth in MTV Docusoaps, Sung-Yeon Park, Mark A. Flynn, Alexandru Stana, and David T. Morin