This study explores mood effects on message construction and message design logic. Previous research has demonstrated that mood affects memory, cognition processing, message retrieval, and message construction. Since these cognitive processes are fundamental to the construction of messages, mood should affect message design logic. This study examined O'Keefe's research on message construction and found her study neglected the influence of moon on message design logic. An experimental study is reported which tests this hypothesis. Results suggest that mood and message design are indeed associated. This article was published in the
Publication Date
Communication Studies, Faculty Works, Scholarship, Mood, Psychology, Food
Communication Studies
Recommended Citation
Herold, Kelly; Rudloff, Jerri; and Whitfield, Shirley, "The Impact of Mood on message Formulation: A Study of Emotion and Message Design Logic" (1996). Communication Studies Faculty Works. 2.
Unique Identifier
WSUCMSTFACWORKS-1996-Herold-Impact of Mood on Message Formulation.pdf