"Struggling to Recover or Recovering the Struggle:A Critical Examinatio" by Alanna R. Miller and Alexandru Stana


Postpartum depression is a prevalent condition, and preliminary data suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic further increased its incidence. Building on scholarship that has shown the value of exploring patients’ narratives for diagnosis and treatment, this study examines narratives of recovery in an online support forum, using theories of narrative identity. An online forum with 64 participants suffering from postpartum depression was analyzed according to grounded theory. A thematic analysis uncovered two dominant narratives: the full recovery or inevitable progress narrative, and the cyclical recovery or struggle as norm narrative. This study illustrates the complicated interaction between medical institutions, recovery narratives, and identity.

Publication Date





Communication Studies, Faculty Works, Scholarship, Psychology, Postpartum Depression, Recovery


Communication Studies

Unique Identifier

WSUCMSTFACWORKS-2024-Miller-Stana-Struggling to recover or recovering the struggle a critical examination of recovery narratives.pdf



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