"Teaching Communication Ethics as Central to the Discipline" by Robert L. Ballard and Tammy Swenson-Lepper


Communication ethics as a field of study within the communication discipline has made significant contributions in a variety of areas, including teaching. This paper offers an historical overview of communication ethics, with special attention to four major approaches to pedagogy – ethics in human communication, moral psychology and intuition, a communication ethics framework, and a critical communication ethics pedagogy. For the department seeking to incorporate communication ethics through stand-alone courses or throughout curricula, the authors suggest ways for communication administrators to address questions of desired competencies for communication graduates, and to articulate related learning outcomes. Future recommendations for the field and administrators are offered. The authors conclude that while communication ethics pedagogy has made significant contributions to the discipline, its potential will only be fully realized when faculty and administrators together construct the right balance of offerings for their departments.

Publication Date



Communication Studies, Faculty Works, Scholarship, Ethics, Pedagogy, Teaching, Competence, Learning Outcomes


Communication Studies

Unique Identifier

WSUCMSTFACWORKS-2014 Swenson-Lepper-Teaching_Communication_Ethics_as_Central.pdf



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