"‘‘Let’s Get This Party Started!’’: An Analysis of Health Risk Behavior" by Mark A. Flynn, David T. Morin et al.


Past research has examined portrayals of risk behavior in various media, including television, advertising, and film. To address an underexplored area, this study analyzed drinking, smoking, and sexual activities in MTV reality programming popular among adolescent viewers from 2004 to 2011. Cast members’ demographic attributes were also examined in relation to their risk behaviors. Results demonstrated that drinking and casual sexual behaviors were pervasive among cast members. Smoking and more intense sexual behaviors were also present, but to a smaller degree. Men and young adult cast members were more likely to engage in risk behaviors than women and teenage cast members. Also, ethnic=racial minority characters were shown drinking more often than were White cast members. Interpretations of these findings are discussed based in social cognitive theory and the concept of super peers. Implications for future research are provided.

Publication Date



Communication Studies, Faculty Works, Scholarship, Reality TV, MTV, Docusoap, Body Image, Body Exposure, Objectification, Content Analysis


Communication Studies

Unique Identifier

WSUCMSTFACWORKS-2015d-Stana-Lets Get This Party Started.pdf



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