This 2021 article was published in the journal Communications Teacher. First-year students at many universities find themselves in new communities, with little understanding of how their new university, city, academic, or career communities function. Excerpt: "Developing a student’s sense of community can have long-term benefits. As Tinto (n.d., pp. 9 10) points out, ‘‘Membership in the community of the classroom provides important linkages to membership in communities external to the classroom. For new students in particular, engagement in the community of the classroom becomes a gateway for subsequent involvement in the academic and social communities of the college generally.’’ Using the theme of ‘‘Community’’ in the basic public speaking course provides students with opportunities to directly explore many communities in their informative, persuasive, and group presentations." Citation Information: Tammy Swenson-Lepper (2012): ‘Community’ As a Guiding Theme for the Public Speaking Course, Communication Teacher, 26:3, 170-177
Publication Date
Communication Studies, Faculty Works, Scholarship, Pedagogy, Teaching
Communication Studies
Recommended Citation
Swenson Lepper, Tammy, "‘Community’ As a Guiding Theme for the Public Speaking Course" (2012). Communication Studies Faculty Works. 15.
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