"Social Support in a Men's Online Eating Disorder Forum" by Mark A. Flynn and Alexandru Stana


This article discusses that "Recent research has shown social support to be a useful theoretical framework when investigating women’s online eating disorder forums. We sought to identify the types of social support present and the various functions each serve for members of a men’s online forum. To answer the research questions, we conducted a deductive thematic analysis of 358 posts by 89 members of a UK-based men’s eating disorder forum. Consistent with past research on women’s forums, the most common types of support were informational, emotional and personal disclosure. In addition, advice emerged as a unique and prominent category of social support. Five broad themes of social support are also discussed and implications for future research using the social support framework were provided."-Article abstract

Publication Date

Summer 7-1-2012


Men's Studies Press


Communication Studies, Faculty Works, Scholarship, Social Support, Online Forum, Eating Disorder, Qualitative Research, Men's Health


Communication Studies


Flynn, M.A. and A. Stana. (2012). Social Support in a Men's Online Eating Disorder Forum, International Journal of Men's Health, 11(2), summer, 150-169. DOI: 10.3149/jmh.1102.150. Copyright statement replication permissions needed.

Unique Identifier

WSUCMSTFACWORKS-2012a-Stana-Social Support in a Men's Onling Eating Disorder Forum.pdf



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