"Discovering Culture and Communication on the World Wide Web" by Jin Xu


Discussions of intercultural communication mostly center round the interaction of culture and communication concerning differences in values, beliefs, norms and communication styles. However, cultural differences also stem from different cognitive styles, which impact intercultural communication. This article describes an activity that introduces students to cultural cognition theory. Combining research on the Internet, small group interaction, and class discussion, this exercise encourages students to apply theory to practice, to explore cultural differences on the Internet, and to develop their critical thinking skills. It also develops their awareness and skills needed to be mindful of the nuances of cultural differences. The exercise is suitable for high-school or university-level communication courses that discuss cultural differences as part of their content.

Publication Date



Communication Studies, Faculty Works, Scholarship, Internet, Culture, Technology


Communication Studies


Xu, J. (2008). Discovering Culture and Communication on the World Wide Web. Communication and Theater Association of Minnesota Journal. 35(1). Cornerstone Minnesota State University-Mankato

Unique Identifier

WSUCMSTFACWORKS-2008-Xu-Discovering Culture and Communication on the World Wide Web.pdf



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