Little research has been done to examine users’ perceptions of ethical issues related to communication on social media. This exploratory, descriptive study examines undergraduate students’ perceptions of ethical issues in how they and their peers use social media and the consequences the ethical issues have on themselves and others. An online survey was distributed to students at a regional university (N = 201). Results show that most students have observed violations of ethical norms; they believe that the most common ethical issues are inappropriate pictures, privacy concerns, and people harassing others.
Publication Date
Communication Studies, Faculty Works, Scholarship, Internet, Bullyiing, Ethics, Social Media
Communication Studies
Recommended Citation
Swenson-Lepper, Tammy and Kirby, April, "Cyberbullies, Trolls, and Stalkers: Students’ Perceptions of Ethical Issues in Social Media" (2019). Communication Studies Faculty Works. 40.
Unique Identifier
WSUCMSTFACWORKS-2019-Swenson-Lepper-Cyberbullies Trolls, and Stalkers.pdf