
This is a photograph, including descriptive information, of the pasque flower, Anemone patens created by Dr, Richard B Pearce.
Text included in the image (written pre-2018):
The delicate looking Anemone patens is actually a hardy wildflower strong enough to endure northern winters and chilly spring nights. The pasque flower's fuzzy stem, leaves, and sepals act like layers of goose down, insulating the emerging plan from the cold and wind. It is one of the first flowers to bloom each year, appearing in late march and early April. The term "pasque" is derived from the Hebrew pesach or "passover," in reference to the time of year it blooms.
The flowers of Anemone patens range from dark lavender to almost white. The soft "petals" are in fact all sepals, five to eight in number. In the center lies a disk of yellow stamens and a central ovary that will, in a month's time, sport a smoke-like plume that's as fancy as the blossom it has replace (insert).
The pasque flower is a member of the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, and the state flower of South Dakota. Although not endangered, its range and frequency are limited in the Upper Mississippi region (map). With warmer winters and earlier springs it could be one of the first plants to be lost from the continental U.S. from climate change.
Look for pasque flowers on the open or slightly shaded hillsides, especially well-drained rocky slopes, native prairies, or along sandy country roads. They signify that winter has passed and summer is not far away.
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Winona State University
Winona, Minnesota
Arts and Humanities | Biology | Botany | Life Sciences | Plant Sciences
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All rights reserved by Cory Ritterbusch for all items in the Dr. Richard Pearce Collection. Contact the Winona State University Darrell W. Krueger Library Archives & Special Collections for more information.
Cory Ritterbusch
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