This study identifies trends and practices in survey method use in mass communication research based on the Total Survey Error Paradigm. A content analysis of 479 survey research articles published in four top mass communication journals shows that articles in each journal differ significantly in survey mode. The self-administered print survey was the most common survey mode and most studies opted for non-probability sampling. Funded studies were more likely to employ probability samples and addressed survey research errors. Lack of information on response rates and survey limitations was a common problem in the articles. The analysis shows the surveys employed in mass communication research did not show adequate efforts in minimizing the total survey errors.
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Communication Studies, Faculty Works, Scholarship, Survey, Mass Communication Research Method, Response Rates, Survey Errors, Research Trends
Communication Studies
Recommended Citation
Ha, Louisa; Hu, Xiao; Fang, Ling; and Henize, Sarah, "Use of Survey Research in Top Mass
Communication Journals 2001–2010
And the Total Survey Error Paradigm" (2015). Communication Studies Faculty Works. 28.
Unique Identifier
WSUCMSTFACWORKS-2015a-Stana-Use of Survey Research in Top Mass Comm Journals 2001-2010.pdf
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