Communications Ethics: Activities for Critical Thinking and Reflection
Communication Ethics: Activities for Critical Thinking and Reflection is a textbook which "helps readers make informed decisions about many of the ethical questions they will face throughout life. Instead of providing readers with the definitive answers, it provides guidance and empowers readers to make the best ethical decision.
Communication Ethics: Activities for Critical Thinking and Reflection:
- presents communication ethics as less about rules—and even much less about clarity—than it is about discovery.
- emphasizes the importance of asking questions, thinking about the possibilities, and reflecting on the consequences, rather than having answers handed to you.
- integrates dozens of activities that revolve around four main areas of inquiry or questions, related to knowledge, skills, values, and action.
- features questions to expand knowledge, focus on what you need to know to be ethical in the society you live in today, and how you can learn these things.
- is interactive! The publication embeds activities to promote active learning."
Book description was created by the Kendall Hunt Publishing Company (2021).
Publication Date
Kendall Hunt Publishing Company
Dubuque, Iowa
Communication Studies, Faculty Works, Scholarship
Communication Studies
Communication | Social and Behavioral Sciences
Recommended Citation
Jovanoic, Spoma; Swenson-Lepper, Tammy; McManus, Leeanne; Velez Ortiz, Melba; Ballard, Robert; Leavitt, Michelle; and Charron, Lori, "Communications Ethics: Activities for Critical Thinking and Reflection" (2021). Communication Studies Faculty Works. 42.
Unique Identifier
WSUCMSTFACWORKS-2021-Swenson-Lepper-CommunicationEthics-Book Cover.JPG
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