"An Assessment of College Students' Attitudes toward Using an Online E-" by Emilie O. Falc


In this digital age, e-textbooks are becoming 1nore prevalent. This assessment surveys a group of public speaking students on their attitudes toward an e-textbook. A qualitative and quantitative approach to collecting student feedback using an online survey reveals mixed reviews of stu­dents' use of an e-textbook. In an introductory public speaking course, most of the respondents prefer using a combination of a print textbook with an e-textbook. Although many of the students surveyed experienced some frustrations and technical difficulty, most of the students found the e­textbook to be helpful for assignments and studying for tests at least so1ne of the time. Faculty could inform students of the drawbacks of e-textbooks and make suggestions on ways to maxi­mize their effectiveness for better comprehension and less frustration.

Publication Date



Informing Science Institute


Communication Studies, Faculty Works, Scholarship, Teaching, Pedagogy


Communication Studies


Copyright Note - educational use only/request use? Journal = Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects

Unique Identifier

WSUCMSTFACWORKS-2013-Falc-An assessment of college students.pdf



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