In this digital age, e-textbooks are becoming 1nore prevalent. This assessment surveys a group of public speaking students on their attitudes toward an e-textbook. A qualitative and quantitative approach to collecting student feedback using an online survey reveals mixed reviews of students' use of an e-textbook. In an introductory public speaking course, most of the respondents prefer using a combination of a print textbook with an e-textbook. Although many of the students surveyed experienced some frustrations and technical difficulty, most of the students found the etextbook to be helpful for assignments and studying for tests at least so1ne of the time. Faculty could inform students of the drawbacks of e-textbooks and make suggestions on ways to maximize their effectiveness for better comprehension and less frustration.
Publication Date
Informing Science Institute
Communication Studies, Faculty Works, Scholarship, Teaching, Pedagogy
Communication Studies
Recommended Citation
Falc, Emilie O., "An Assessment of College Students' Attitudes toward Using an Online E-Textbook" (2013). Communication Studies Faculty Works. 19.
Unique Identifier
WSUCMSTFACWORKS-2013-Falc-An assessment of college students.pdf
Copyright Note - educational use only/request use? Journal = Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects