Class Attendance and Gender Effects on Undergraduate Students’ Achievement in a Social Studies Course in Botswana.
J.O. Ajiboye and Adeyinka Tella
Discipline Concerns among Preservice Teachers
Leslie Irwin and Funmi Amobi
The Use of Case Studies as an Integrating Approach in Professional Military Education: A Pilot Study
Jack D. Kem
Putting the Best Behind Every Desk: The Pursuit of Excellence and Equity through National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Richard L. Mehrenberg
Vision That Needs to Be Technically Managed
Chi Hong Nguyen
Teachers Job Satisfaction and Motivation for School Effectiveness: An Assessment
Nwachukwu Prince Ololube
Acknowledging the “I” in Multicultural Education
Osman Ozturgut
Education for Fullness: The Role of Adult Education in Nigeria in the 21st Century
Sydney Nwanakponna Osuji
Using SWOT Analysis To Understand The Institutional Environments: A Guide For Can Tho University
Luu Nguyen Quoc Hung
An Overview of Vietnamese Higher Education in the Era of Globalization: Opportunities and Challenges
Luu Nguyen Quoc Hung
Community Colleges' Mission Statement Themes
Paula Kenney-Wallace, Judith Cox, Shao-Chieh Lu, and John R. Slate
Tension and Conflict in Assessment
Viola Wong Yuk-Yue
Relationship among Emotional Intelligence, Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Ibadan, Nigeria
Oyesojl A. Aremu, Adeyinka Tella, and Adedeji Tella
Book Review
Cultivating and Keeping Committed Special Educators: What Principals and District Leaders Can Do
Whitney Moores-Abdool, Jorine Voigt, and Lydia Vidal