Editorial Board

Dillon Martinez is an Assistant Professor at Winona State University, where he serves as Director of the Developmentally Adapted Physical Education (DAPE) teacher preparation program. Currently pursuing his Doctor of Education (expected May 2025), Professor Martinez's research interests focus on inclusive education practices, particularly in physical and adapted physical education. With extensive experience in adapted physical education teaching across K-12 settings and higher education, Martinez brings practical insights to his scholarly work. As the creator of the GET FAST Speed Coaching Certification and an active coach, he bridges the gap between academic research and athletic performance development. His expertise spans adapted physical education, coaching education, speed development methodologies, and technology integration in physical education. Martinez has presented at national conferences, including NAKHE, and regularly contributes to academic discourse through his publications in various educational journals and coaching publications.

Bryan Matera is an associate professor of Teacher Education with Winona State University's Elementary Education Online Program (EEOL) Winona, Minnesota. Bryan leads pre-service teachers through student teaching experiences and coursework while supervising teacher candidates working with elementary students. He also facilitates a STEM camp in the summer months with local Rochester, Minnesota elementary schools. His research is grounded in climate and culture of schools and the impact on teacher self-efficacy, instructional and student-centered best practices, the Gradual Release of Responsibility, and visible student process learning. Before being appointed to associate professor, Bryan held positions as teacher, adjunct professor, instructional coach, assistant principal, and principal.

Mitch Moore is an assistant professor in the Counselor Education Department and Coordinator of the Addiction Counseling Graduate Certificate Program at Winona State University. He is a licensed alcohol and drug counselor in the state of Minnesota and has worked in the addictions treatment and mental health fields since 1988. Mitch has a doctorate degree in Adult Education from the University of Minnesota, and a MS in Counselor Education, and BS degrees in Psychology and Political Science, from Winona State University. He retired from the Federal Bureau of Prisons in 2012 where he practiced as a drug treatment specialist developing and facilitating drug abuse education and treatment programs for male and female offenders.

David Wolff is an Assistant Professor of Elementary Inclusive Education in the School of Teaching and Learning in the College of Education and Human Services at Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM) in Moorhead, Minnesota. David believes that education is to strive for both excellence and equity – every day and for everyone. Prior to MSUM, David was an elementary teacher, district coordinator, instructional coach, principal, and adjunct professor bringing a diverse perspective about teaching and leading from his experiences at public, private, and tribal institutions. David’s research interests include preservice teacher development, teacher professional development, effective pedagogy in elementary education instruction, and culturally responsive teaching practices.

Donna Zerr is an Assistant Professor in Teaching and Leadership in the College of Education at Pittsburg State University in Pittsburg, KS. Prior to PSU, Donna was an elementary teacher, school counselor, and high school principal. Bringing a plethora of experiences and perspectives from K-12 schools, Donna’s end goal was to come full circle to teaching in higher education. She has a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership from Kansas State University. Her research interests include trauma-informed teaching, social-emotional learning and mental health, high school dropouts, and adjunct faculty assistance.

George Morrow is a retired professor from Winona State University, Education Leadership program. This program nurtured teachers in leadership skills and perspectives needed in a public education setting and licensed K-12 Principals and Superintendents in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Prior to WSU, he served for 15 years as a secondary principal in Minnesota school districts and as a social studies teacher for 5 years. He started his teaching career as a Peace Corps volunteer in Botswana. He has a doctorate in Educational Administration from Teachers College, Columbia University.
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