"The Use of Case Studies as an Integrating Approach" by Jack D. Kem
Essays in Education


The use of case studies as an approach to integrate and synthesize learning objectives is a new approach at the United States Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC). The case study methodology is in wide use at various professional schools, particularly at business schools. In an effort to consider different appropriate approaches to professional graduate education at CGSC, a pilot for the case study methodology was initiated during one of the core courses taught by the CGSC faculty. There were four objectives for the pilot study: to reinforce learning objectives for the preceding blocks of instruction; to develop an awareness of a variety of current issues by studying the content of the case studies; to reinforce the problemsolving model that is the underlying thread of the CGSC curriculum (how to think); and to develop competence in the faculty for presenting cases as an alternative method of instruction. The case study pilot was not intended to represent the only way that case studies can be used, but rather as one way to quickly incorporate case studies in the curriculum. The faculty and students who conducted the pilot found this methodology enhanced learning and was an effective tool for curriculum design and delivery.

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