

An increase in the number of pupils with Additional Support Needs (ASN) in Scottish mainstream schools has brought with it a wide variation of learners’ educational needs and corresponding support. Despite this, there is anecdotal evidence sufficient support has not been supplied effectively to meet these needs.

Given repeated policy statements by the Scottish Executive (2004) and Scottish Government (2009; 2016) that Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) will “enable all of the young people of Scotland to flourish as individuals”, one may call into question whether CfE is indeed a curriculum that can facilitate such promise. The purpose of this research is to investigate the aforementioned perceived problems, with a particular focus on equitable provision for ASN pupils. The research project explored mainstream primary teachers opinion regarding curriculum, resources and training. Participants comprised of early-career and time-served, more experienced teachers. The research employed mixed-method quantitative and qualitative data collection consisting of online questionnaires and follow-up focus group methodology.

Initial findings suggest participants harbour negative opinions regarding the quality, and scope of inclusive practice within Curriculum for Excellence (CfE). Participants feel their confidence in CfE to successfully educate all pupils within mainstream school environments is low. Key points include limited access to resources as well as training opportunities, and standards of provision in general. These findings may suggest a trend whereby both a curriculum and practitioners struggle to fulfil policy requirements.



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