Innovating Professional Development Standards: A Shift to Utilize Communities of Practice
Teresa Foulger
On the Influence of Grouping Practices on Classroom Teaching
Emin Aydin and Ilker Tugal
Professional Doctorate Taught Courses: Some Metaknowledge and Intellectual Property Implications
Robert Barbour, Peter Catt, Caroline King, Rebecca Blackshaw, and Jimmi Rosa
Working on Policy: A Beginning Educator Collaborates on Issues of Phonics in Teacher Preparation
Devon Brenner
Peer Mentoring: An Intrusive Approach
Monica Shea Correll
Progressive = Permissive? Not According to John Dewey…Subjects Matter!
Stephen G. Weiss, Anthony A. DeFalco, and Eileen M. Weiss
Creating an Eportfolio with MS FrontPage: It Doesn’t Get Any Easier!
Steve M. Hyndman and June Hyndman
Korean Education in Cultural Context
Sunwoo Shin and Myung-sook Koh
The Social Integration of Latino Newcomer Students in Midwestern Elementary Schools: Teacher and Administrator Perceptions
Catherine Lasso and Nelson Soto
Changes and Transformations in the Philosophy of Character Education in the 20th Century
Floyd D. Beachum and Carlos R. McCray
An Anglo-American Rethinks Native American Education: Can We Avoid Yesterday’s Tragedies?
Mitchell J. Moore
Current Policies and Practices around Public High School Advanced Mathematics Course Taking
Mehmet A. Ozturk
College Marketing and the Academic Structure: Incompatibility?
Thomas J. Kopp and Joseph L. Rosetti
Student and Agency Personnel Perceptions of the Impact of Community Service-Learning
Laura E. Schulte, Jarene Fluckiger, and Sandra Squires
Kondratieff Cycles and Long Waves of Educational Reform: Educational Policy and Practice From 1789 to 2045
Hasan Simsek
Communication Technology and Pedagogical Power
Maurice Tardif
Special Education in Juvenile Residential Facilities: Can Animals Help?
Sally E. Thigpen, Stephanie K. Ellis, and Rebecca G. Smith