"Advancing Scholarship, Team Building, and Collaboration in a Hybrid Do" by Barbara Holmes, Meridee Trimble et al.



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Hybrid programs are changing the landscape of doctoral programs at American universities and colleges. The increased demand for hybrid doctoral programs, particularly for educational and career advancement, serves as an innovative way to increase scholarship, advance service, and promote leadership. Hybrid programs serve as excellent venues for advancing scholarship, collaboration, and team building and provide doctoral candidates with increased opportunities to interact professional peers, course materials program resources. These enhanced opportunities lead to greater team engagement and enhanced opportunities for scholarly collaboration. Faculty mentors in hybrid programs lead rising scholars in the research and socialization process of higher education academic and social networks.

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Clute Institute


Advancing Scholarship, Collaboration, Doctoral, Hybrid, Team Building, Higher Education


Education Doctorate




Holmes, B., Trimble, M., & Morrison-Danner, D. (2014). Advancing Scholarship, Team Building, And Collaboration In A Hybrid Doctoral Program In Educational Leadership. Journal of College Teaching & Learning (TLC), 11(4), 175-180. https://doi.org/10.19030/tlc.v11i4.8855

Advancing Scholarship, Team Building, and Collaboration in a Hybrid Doctoral Program in Education Leadership

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