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Set of 27 color slides in one box labeled "Limnology." Part of the Cal R. Fremling collection. Slides have few labels and are numbered nonconsecutively. Locations unknown unless otherwise given. Subjects shown include: lakes, creeks/rivers, people working with specimen collection and testing equipment, water plant and animal life, some ice images. Exact creation and slide print dates are unknown. Slide print dates probably range from 1950-1980. 1 - Collection of salvaged anchors on a dock, next to scuba gear 2 - Man standing in water, in scuba gear 3 - Men standing in shallow river, collecting specimens with nets 4 - Insect (nymph?), close-up 5 - Insect, close-up 6 - Women swimming in lake; motorboat and water skier in background 7 - Man holding up rope attached to collection tool 8 - People working in swampy area 9 - Bluffs, river, river plants 10 - Lilypads, river 11 - Lilypads, river 12 - River plant, close-up 13 - Man holding collection/measurement tool 14 - Men working with water collection/measurement tool 15 - Man working with water collection/measurement tool on ice. Snowmobile and trailer on left side of image. 16 - "Bryozoan" [moss animals] 17 - Man on skis with ice auger 18 - Two men working with water collection/measurement tool on boat 19 - Man posing over waterfall 20 - Hand holding seaweed or algae sample 21 - Ice crystals collected on cloth 22 - Men collecting water samples on dock 23 - Petri dish of specimens: crayfish, snails, worms, oyster/clam 24 - Sun over lake 25 - Man working with collection/measurement tool in water 26 - Hand holding collection/measurement tool 27 - Diagrams of water specimen collection/measurement tools
Publication Date
Item Type
Winona, Minnesota
Biologists; Science; Lake; River; Equipment
Special Collections-Library
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Life Sciences | Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology
Recommended Citation
Fremling, Cal R., "Limnology slides" (1970). Cal Fremling Slides. 7.
Rights Management
Requests to reproduce this image must be granted by the Winona County Historical Society.
Contributing Institution
Winona County Historical Society
1.30" x 1.85"
Physical Format
Slide (photograph)
Master File Format
Fiscal Sponsor
This project has been financed in part with funds provided by the State of Minnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society.
Scanning Responsibility
Northern Micrographics
Date Digital
2019-02-18 00:00
Metadata Creation Responsibility
Anna Gaffey
Unique Identifier
The date of these slides are unknown. A default date of 1970 is a place holder.