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Set of 95 color and black-and-white slides in 2 boxes labeled "Mayfly Extras." Part of the Cal R. Fremling collection. Slides are mostly unlabeled and not numbered consecutively. Exact location and creation dates are unknown. Some slides based on pictures taken by Fremling, others taken by other unknown creators and used for educational illustrative purposes (noted with "Photograph/art print/etc of"). Slide subjects include mayflies and emergences, effects of mayfly emergence, mayfly life cycle, maps, diagrams, tables, students, science labs, biological samples, and lab equipment. Known slide print dates range from 1955-1987. Box 1 1 - Broken pretzels stuck into a mold 2 - Broken pretzels stuck into a mold inserted into a cigar box 3 - Green mold/form with holes 4 - Green molds/forms with holes 5 - Mayflies covering tree branches 6 - Mayflies covering tree branches 7 - Mayflies covering tree branches 8 - Mayflies flying over trees 9 - Mayflies flying over trees 10 - Mayflies flying over trees 11 - Mayfly nymph, close-up 12 - Man working with water tanks in lab 13 - Mayflies on house siding 14 - Large mayfly emergence over lake, trees 15 - Mayflies covering and piled in front of house door 16 - Young man in water with sample collection equipment 17 - Boy and young man collecting samples from net, buckets 18 - Boy and young man collecting samples from net 19 - Large mayfly swarm over lake, trees 20 - Large mayfly swarm over lake, trees 21 - Mayflies covering tree branches 22 - Mayflies covering leaves, emerging from moult 23 - Mayflies covering leaves, emerging from moult 24 - Mayflies covering leaves, emerging from moult 25 - Mayflies covering leaves, emerging from moult 26 - Large mayfly swarm over lake, trees 27 - Mayfly swarm covering and piling up around gas station tanks 28 - Mayflies covering trees 29 - Mayfly swarm covering and piling up around gas station tanks 30 - Gas station employees sweeping up large piles of mayflies around tanks 31 - Mayflies covering wild grasses 32 - Man working with water tanks in lab 33 - Man working with water tanks in lab 34 - Man working with water tanks in lab 35 - Man working with water tanks, jars in lab 36 - Man working with water tanks, jars in lab 37 - Man working with water tanks in lab 38 - Man working with screened tank in lab 39 - Young men working with ice augur 40 - Young men working with ice augur 41 - Young men working with ice augur 42 - Young men collecting samples from water under ice 43 - Young men collecting samples from water under ice 44 - Mayfly nymph, close-up 45 - Mayfly subimago, close-up 46 - Mayfly nymph, close-up 47 - Mayfly nymph, close-up 48 - Mayfly subimago, close-up Box 2 49 - Men collecting samples from water 50 - Mayflies covering milkweed plants 51 - Mayflies covering milkweed plants 52 - Mayflies covering milkweed plants 53 - Mayflies covering tree branches 54 - Mayflies covering tree branches 55 - Mayflies covering plant 56 - Mayflies covering plant 57 - Hands holding transparent lab equipment 58 - Man working with water tanks, jars in lab 59 - Man working with water tanks, jars in lab 60 - Table showing chemical residues (aroclor 1254, a PCB) in collected Mississippi mayfly adults 61 - Map showing the Mississippi River between St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam and Alma, Wisconsin 62 - Mayflies covering a park sign 63 - Mayfly in flight 64 - Mayflies swarming over trees 65 - Mayfly swarms covering Fremling's car and Latsch Island Wagon bridge in piles (July 16, 1966; so many mayflies that Fremling's car was stuck and had to be pushed out by Tom Buck's car). 66 - Mayfly swarms covering Fremling's car and wagon bridge in piles 67 - Mayfly swarms covering Fremling's car and wagon bridge in piles 68 - Mayfly swarm covering and piling up around gas station tanks 69 - Mayfly swarms covering Fremling's car and wagon bridge in piles 70 - Mayfly swarms covering Fremling's car and wagon bridge in piles 71 - Mayfly swarms covering Fremling's car and wagon bridge in piles 72 - Mayfly swarms covering Fremling's car and wagon bridge in piles 73 - Fremling digging into mayfly swarm pile outside car (woman [Arlayne?] inside) on wagon bridge 74 - Man digging into mayfly swarm pile outside Fremling's car 75 - Fremling digging into mayfly swarm pile outside car on wagon bridge 76 - Diagram of experimental jar for mayfly nymphs 77 - Mayflies covering riverboat 78 - Mayfly subimago emerging from nymph moult, close-up (in lab) 79 - Mayfly subimago emerging from nymph moult, close-up (in lab) 80 - Mayfly subimago moult close-up 81 - Mayfly subimago moult close-up 82 - Mayfly subimago moult close-up 83 - Mayfly subimago moult on plant 84 - Mayfly adult emerging from subimago on plant 85 - Mayfly adult emerging from subimago on plant 86 - Mayfly adult emerging from subimago on plant 87 - Mayfly adult emerging from subimago on plant 88 - Mayfly adult emerging from subimago on plant 89 - Men working with samples, packaging 90 - Man working with screened lab tank, samples 91 - Lab tanks 92 - Man looking into lab tank 93 - Man performing lab experiment with beaker 94 - Mold/form with pretzel pieces on work bench 95 - Block or mold/form with holes
Publication Date
Item Type
Winona, Minnesota
Biologists; Science; Plants; Mayflies; Laboratory; Insects Behavior
Special Collections-Library
Life Sciences
Recommended Citation
Fremling, Cal R., "Mayfly Extras slides" (1970). Cal Fremling Slides. 17.
Rights Management
Requests to reproduce this image must be granted by the Winona County Historical Society.
Contributing Institution
Winona County Historical Society
1.30" x 1.85"
Physical Format
Slide (photograph)
Master File Format
Fiscal Sponsor
This project has been financed in part with funds provided by the State of Minnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society.
Scanning Responsibility
Northern Micrographics
Date Digital
2019-02-18 00:00
Metadata Creation Responsibility
Anna Gaffey
Unique Identifier
The date of these slides are unknown. A default date of 1970 is a place holder.