"City of Winona Comprehensive Plan 1995: Winona, Minnesota" by City of Winona-Minnesota



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This is the 1995 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Winona, Minnesota.

"The Winona Comprehensive Plan (“Plan”) is a long-range plan for guiding conservation and development in the City of Winona for the next ten to fifteen years. The Plan serves as a long range policy guide and land use map that provides the basis for decisions on the physical, social and economic development of the City. The Plan recognizes the hard work and concerns of citizens, local and state officials, and professionals who worked diligently in its preparation.

The Plan contains five chapters. Chapter One provides a brief introduction to the purpose, process and use of the Plan. In Chapter Two, a history of Winona, existing conditions, future growth and land use plan are provided. Chapter Three addresses the over-arching themes and strategic opportunities that guide Winona area planning and Chapter Four details the goals, objectives and policies for eleven distinct yet inter-related planning elements:

  1. Downtown Element
  2. Economic Development Element
  3. Education Element
  4. Environment/River Element
  5. Finance Element
  6. Health and Human Services Element
  7. Historic Preservation, Culture & Arts Element
  8. Intergovernmental Coordination Element
  9. Parks & Recreation Element
  10. Public Services, Buildings & Facilities Element
  11. Transportation Element

Chapter Five lays out an implementation scheme for the Plan."

- Winona Comprehensive Plan Introduction, 1995.

Publication Date





City of Winona, Minnesota


Winona, Minnesota


Winona, Minnesota, City Government, Comprehensive Plan, Master Plan, City Documents, Population, City Planning, Labor, History, Architecture, Housing, Recreation, Schools, Industry, Transportation, Development, Land Use, Utilities


Political Science | Urban Studies and Planning

Unique Identifier


City of Winona Comprehensive Plan 1995: Winona, Minnesota



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