"City of Winona Comprehensive Plan 2007: Winona, Minnesota" by City of Winona-Minnesota



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This is the 2007 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Winona, Minnesota.

"This Comprehensive Plan contains the essential planning policies and recommendations intended to guide Winona’s growth through the next ten to 20 years – the plan uses the year 2030 as a target date for many of its projections for housing, land use and economic growth, but should be updated at approximately 10-year intervals to remain relevant. Background information regarding conditions and resources that affect development and describing the planning process is included in a Background Report.

The Comprehensive Plan includes general goals, objectives and policies that will direct City decision-making, maps that depict desired future land use, and strategies and priorities for implementation. It is organized as follows:

  • Vision statement: a broad citywide vision of the ideal outcome of the planning process, based on community input.
  • Land Use Plan: because land use as a topic is central to the City’s development, and relates to all the other elements of the plan, it is covered in detail in this initial chapter. Land use as a topic was not the focus of a specific planning subcommittee, so this chapter draws on the work of the Steering Committee and various subcommittees; where relevant.
  • Other specific plan elements: these topic areas are organized and defined based on the extensive background work and goal-setting of the City’s Plan Subcommittees, in the following areas:
  1. Arts and Humanities
  2. Downtown Revitalization
  3. Economic Development
  4. Environment and Energy
  5. Historic Preservation
  6. Housing
  7. Parks and Recreation
  8. Riverfront Revitalization
  9. Transportation "

- Winona Comprehensive Plan, 2007.

Publication Date





City of Winona, Minnesota


Winona, Minnesota


Winona, Minnesota, City Government, Comprehensive Plan, Master Plan, City Documents, Population, City Planning, Labor, History, Architecture, Housing, Recreation, Schools, Industry, Transportation, Historic Preservation, Environment, Energy, Riverfront Revitalization, Arts, Humanities, Development, Land Use, Utilities


Political Science | Urban Studies and Planning

Unique Identifier


City of Winona Comprehensive Plan 2007: Winona, Minnesota



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