This collection contains Winona State University (WSU) undergraduate and graduate student research creative projects, presentations, research grants, and travel grants for the academic year of 2012-2013. Research and travel grants are managed by the WSU Grants and Sponsored Projects Department.
Parkinson's Disease in the Mouse: Valid and Invalid Models for Future Use, Jennifer Aeling, Matthew Weber, and Richard Deyo
Investigation into the Synthesis of Bioactive Butenolides, Neha Amatya and Sara Hein
Metabolic Effects of Bedtime Pistachio Consumption for 6 Weeks in Overweight Persons, Ashley Anderson, Melanie Anderson, Janel Jacobson, and Mackenzie Popko
Comparison of Benthic Invertebrate Trophic Community Composition at the Onset of a Flood Pulse, Michael Bistodeau and Michael Delong
Prolonging the Structural Integrity of Poly-Lactic Acid Based Composites, Zachary Block and Maryam Grami
Female Neutrophils Produce Less Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in Response to the Escherichia Coli Hemolysin than Male Neutrophils, Melissa Brown and Nicole Aulik
Influences of Physical Chemistry on the Abundance of Phytoplankton in Different Slackwater Habitats, Joshua Denzer and Michael Delong
Relationship Between Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Concentration and Fish Community Structure in Slackwaters of a Large River, Katherine Donlin and Michael Delong
Temporal Changes in Fish Assemblages Following Hydrological Disturbance, Matthew Dunn and Michael Delong
Effect of Milk Consumption and the Glycemic Response on Healthy College Aged Subjects, Terra Fodstad, Kristin Ackermann, and Ted Wilson
Integration of Green Chemistry into the General and Analytical Chemistry Curriculum, Sarah Fraser and Jeanne Franz
Determining the Correlation Between Helminth Parasite Prevalence in Wisconsin Felis rufus Populations, Heather Gakev, Sara Eberhardt, Shalin Ranjitkar, and Amber Schultze
Effect of Relaxation Breathing on Glycemic Response in Type II Diabetic Subjects, Angela Gregor, M. Settell, S. Segner, and A. Anderson
Using HPLC and SPE to Determine the Effectiveness of Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Removal of Caffeine and its Metabolites, Erin Hain and Jeanne Franz
Development and Testing of Rugged and Portable Soil Gas Sampling Chamber, Katie Hamerly and Mark Engen
Predicting Healthy Eating Behaviors: Does Self-Identity Matter?, Abbey Hammell and Amanda Brouwer
A Ketamine Model of Schizophrenia, Gareth Harman and Richard Deyo
Neuroendocrine and Behavioral Responses to Stress in Hypothyroidism, Gabrielle Hayden and Richard Deyo
Metabolic Regulation of Terpenoid Biosynthesis in Rhodospirillum Rubrum, Brittany Hemelgarn and Francis Mann
Mechanistic Studies of Side Reactions Associated with Allylic Bromination, Andrew Jacobson and Sara Hein
Creatine Monohydrate: Daily Blood Pressure Monitoring During the Loading Phase of Supplementation, Gary Kastello, Emily Asuncion, Michael Boyd, and Natalie Exsted
Fault Propagation Fold Model Proposed to Explain Asymmetry of the Baraboo Syncline, Benjamin Kolter and Stephen Allard
Gene Encoding of Corneybacterium Glutamicum, Joseph Labeots, Michael Allen, and Francis Mann
Strengthening Civic Commitment at Winona State University: Evaluating the Past and Celebrating the Future, Laura Lake and Kara Lindaman
Development of Real-Time PCR Protocol to Detect Tick-Borne Diseases, Michael Lehrke and Kimberly Bates
Ethyl Acetate Extraction of Humulus Lupulus Compounds with Characterization by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, Benjamin Martin and Francis Mann
Using Microstratigraphy and Stromatolite Clastic Behavior to Characterize the Emplacement of the Sudbury Impact Layer in Ontario and Minnesota, Melissa Maslowski, James Reed, Thomas Stromback, and Candace Kairies-Beatty
Galactosemia: Analzing a Familial Mutation, Sarah Mueller and Amy Runck
Rock Elm Crater. Pierce County, WI: Stratigraphy of a Recently Exposed Proposed Central Peak Outcrop and Characterization of Soils, Mallery Navis, Christina Slowinski, and Candace Kairies-Beatty
Characterization of Alternative Grains Used in the Brewing Process and Analysis of Product Parameters, Grant Newton and Francis Mann
Parallels Between Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease, Maria Noterman and Richard Deyo
Phylogeography of Southern Red-Backed Voles in North America, Kelly Novak and Amy Runck
Identification of Alternative Pathways to Prenyl Diphosphates Involved in Cell Wall Assembly in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Courtney Nygaard and Francis Mann
Macrophage Extracellular Trap Formation in Response to M. Haemolytica or its Leukptoxin is altered by Co-Incubation with Bovine Herpes Virus-1 Infected Bronchiolar Epithelial Cells, Craig Olson and Nicole Aulik
Colonization of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in Dormitory Versus Non-Dormitory Populations, Kendra Rohrer, Danielle Schneider, and Nicole Aulik
Biphasic Ligand Exchanges on Lead Sulfide Nanoparticles, Jocelyn Schaffer and Jennifer Zemke
Fish Trophic Community Composition at the Onset of a Connection Event in a Floodplain River, Elizabeth Schutte and Michael Delong
Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence to Determine the Effectiveness of Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Removal of Natural and Synthetic Estrogens, Katie Seehusen and Jeanne Franz
Translational Repression Mediated by the Genotoxic Agent Chromium (VI) Results in P-Body Formation in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Sara Segner, Chris Bullard, Blaine Rathmann, and Tony Koch
Determining Function of Rv2173 in Biosynthesis of Menaquinone in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Jessica Sempf, Larissa Luhring, Kaila Kovac, and Francis Mann
The Effects of a Caffeine-Containing Beverage on Muscular Performance and Mood During the Squat Jump Exercise, Stephen Siegle, Meghan Mccann, Kelsey Jacobs, and Eric Kuklinski
Sequence Analysis of the Fibroblast Growth Factors Found in the Baculoviridae and Iridoviridae, Brian Skroch, Suad Roble, Rico Wassather, and Casey Finnerty
Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Concentration Among Riverine Habitat Patches During Different Stages of Hydrological Connection, Gary Snorek and Michael Delong
Influence of Ecosystem Size on Community Trophic Composition in Slackwater Patches of a Large River, Benjamin Troop and Michael Delong
Redline Energy Drink Increases Anaerobic Explosiveness in Bench Throws, Jenna Veldhuizen, Stephanie Wojton, Amanda Wright, and Elizabeth Scheckel
Investigation of the Reactivity of Mildly Activated and Weakly Deactivated Substrates in Zinc Oxide-Catalyzed Friedel-Crafts Acylation, Gabriel Velez, Alexandra Larrabee, and Thomas Nalli
Art and Literature Booklet, Matt Wagner and Anne Plummer