Winona State University Student Opinion on U.S. Support and Aid to Ukraine
This is a research project poster that is dedicated to studying the representation of Winona State University student support of the US's aid to Ukraine during its recent period of conflict. It is designed to fulfill the requirements of POLS 410, Political Research Seminar, and the Capstone Project requirement of the Political Science program. The project is designed to accumulate answers via survey through Qualtrics dedicated towards the respective research question
College of Liberal Arts
Political Science & Public Administration
First Advisor/Mentor
Edward Guernica
Ballroom - Kryzsko Commons
Start Date
4-18-2024 1:00 PM
End Date
4-18-2024 2:00 PM
Presentation Type
Poster Session
Format of Presentation or Performance
Poster Number
Winona State University Student Opinion on U.S. Support and Aid to Ukraine
Ballroom - Kryzsko Commons
This is a research project poster that is dedicated to studying the representation of Winona State University student support of the US's aid to Ukraine during its recent period of conflict. It is designed to fulfill the requirements of POLS 410, Political Research Seminar, and the Capstone Project requirement of the Political Science program. The project is designed to accumulate answers via survey through Qualtrics dedicated towards the respective research question