Many important enzymes are part of multi-subunit complexes that involve complex movements and interactions that are difficult to visualize via traditional 2-dimensional diagrams or in visualization software. Physical, 3-dimensional models are an especially effective way to illustrate abstract concepts within the curriculum, including about protein dynamics, subunit functions, pathway architectures, and the nature of protein-protein interactions. The usage of physical models in the classroom has been successful when teaching concepts such as enzyme catalysis and protein refolding, quantized by increased exam scores and positive student feedback. Here, we present work done to 3D print publicly available protein structures of the Krebs Cycle enzymes in both rigid and flexible polymers to convey concepts of dynamics in protein structure, as well as aid in teaching the roles of different monomers within the cycle. Structures 3D printed with thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) are lightweight and flexible, which allows the models to be safe for classroom use while simultaneously teaching dynamics of enzyme motion among subunits and individual chains. Highly regulated enzymes have been coated with a glaze to easily differentiate from the other five enzymes of the pathway. Upon integration with traditional lecture methods, student gains in key learning outcomes will be quantified by polling, comparison of results of a pre- and post-assessment, and performance on standardized test items.
College of Science & Engineering
First Advisor/Mentor
Jonathan Mauser
Start Date
4-19-2023 10:00 AM
End Date
4-19-2023 11:00 AM
Presentation Type
Poster Session
Format of Presentation or Performance
Poster Number
Included in
Using 3D Printing to Illustrate Protein Modularity and Dynamics
Many important enzymes are part of multi-subunit complexes that involve complex movements and interactions that are difficult to visualize via traditional 2-dimensional diagrams or in visualization software. Physical, 3-dimensional models are an especially effective way to illustrate abstract concepts within the curriculum, including about protein dynamics, subunit functions, pathway architectures, and the nature of protein-protein interactions. The usage of physical models in the classroom has been successful when teaching concepts such as enzyme catalysis and protein refolding, quantized by increased exam scores and positive student feedback. Here, we present work done to 3D print publicly available protein structures of the Krebs Cycle enzymes in both rigid and flexible polymers to convey concepts of dynamics in protein structure, as well as aid in teaching the roles of different monomers within the cycle. Structures 3D printed with thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) are lightweight and flexible, which allows the models to be safe for classroom use while simultaneously teaching dynamics of enzyme motion among subunits and individual chains. Highly regulated enzymes have been coated with a glaze to easily differentiate from the other five enzymes of the pathway. Upon integration with traditional lecture methods, student gains in key learning outcomes will be quantified by polling, comparison of results of a pre- and post-assessment, and performance on standardized test items.