Essays in Education


Americans have been rethinking and redesigning the way in which public schools should be most effectively operated through the process known as restructuring or systematic reform (Fiske, 1995). One of the most frequently used approaches to school reform is site-based management (SBM) (Mohrman, 1994). The major objective behind the site-based management approach is to move decision-making control from the central office of a school system to the local school level (i.e., at each school campus) (Short & Greer, 1997). Critical to the implementation of site-based management is the participation of school stakeholders (i.e., teachers, parents, administrators, staff, and community and business members) in the decision-making process. Site-based management is intended to address the need to include those people closest to the problems, issues, and situations in decision- making at the local school level (Goodman, 1994). “Although site-based management appears in many guises, at its core is the idea of participatory decision making at the school site” (David, Dec. 1995/Jan. 1996, p. 6).

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