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Set of 55 color slides in 1 box labeled "ECOL. Poll. H2O 1/3" or "Ecology of Polluted Water." Part of the Cal R. Fremling collection. Slides are numbered consecutively, but otherwise unlabeled. Exact location and creation dates are unknown. Some slides based on pictures taken or presentations created by Fremling, others taken by other unknown creators and used for educational illustrative purposes (noted with "Photograph/art print/etc of"). Slide subject is a presentation created by Dr. Fremling titled "The Ecology of Polluted Water," built from slides chosen from previous boxes/containers in the Fremling collection. Specific subjects covered include water types, water pollution and effects of pollution (including fish die-offs), factories, different types of pollutants, factories, different types of pollutants, water plants, fungi and bacteria, wildlife, farms and livestock, rock formations, aerial views, scientific sample gathering, fishing, and family recreation. Slides are printed and presentation produced by Nasco of Fort Atkinson. Printing date is unknown, possibly 1980-2000.
Publication Date
Item Type
Winona, Minnesota
Biologists; Aerial Photographs; Aerial Photograph; Science; Plants; Pollution; Wildlife; Fishing
Special Collections-Library
Recommended Citation
Fremling, Cal R., "Ecology of Polluted Water presentation slides" (1970). Cal Fremling Slides. 16.
Rights Management
Requests to reproduce this image must be granted by the Winona County Historical Society.
Contributing Institution
Winona County Historical Society
1.30" x 1.85"
Physical Format
Slide (photograph)
Master File Format
Fiscal Sponsor
This project has been financed in part with funds provided by the State of Minnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society.
Scanning Responsibility
Northern Micrographics
Date Digital
2019-02-18 00:00
Metadata Creation Responsibility
Anna Gaffey
Unique Identifier
The date of these slides are unknown. A default date of 1970 is a place holder.