Ramaley Celebration- Winona State University | Lectures & Events | Winona State University
Ramaley Celebration

Ramaley Celebration



RCA Day Events

Note: There is a new site for the WSU Research & Creative Achievement Day, which includes the Ramaley Research Celebration. Please see the above linked button.

Every spring semester Winona State University recognizes the research and creative achievements of our amazing students and their faculty mentors by inviting these students to present at the Ramaley Celebration and other events across campus and online.

The Ramaley Celebration is named for Judith Ramaley, the 14th president of Winona State University. Dr. Ramaley continued to teach during her tenure as president and she was an ardent supporter of undergraduate research as an integral part of the educational experience at WSU.

Please note that for our purposes “research” is very broadly defined as “an inquiry or investigation that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline” as defined per the Council on Undergraduate Research. Therefore, we welcome the participation of students and faculty from all WSU Colleges and Departments.

Browse the contents of Ramaley Celebration:

2022 Ramaley Research Celebration
2021 Ramaley Research Celebration