Presenter Information

Winona State University

Start Date

8-2-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-4-2021 12:00 AM

Presentation Type



The I AM FROM PROJECT is "a way to celebrate diversity at a time when our country is divided by hatred and fear." We want to be heard, not herded; we want to speak, not be spoken at or for; we want to break through stereotypes, profiling, and dismissal to be listened to in our full humanity.

The central goals of the project are:

  • To help people of all ages and backgrounds use the “Where I’m From” poem as a prompt to write about experiences that shape them.
  • To bring these voices together in community.
  • To get them heard locally.
  • To create a national river of voices, reminding America that diversity is our origin and our strength."

Participants used a prompted poem outline to reflect on their origins, childhood, and ancestors.

A PDF of participant poems is available in this record.


Feb 8th, 12:00 AM Apr 30th, 12:00 AM

My Global Identity: "I Am From" Poetry Project

The I AM FROM PROJECT is "a way to celebrate diversity at a time when our country is divided by hatred and fear." We want to be heard, not herded; we want to speak, not be spoken at or for; we want to break through stereotypes, profiling, and dismissal to be listened to in our full humanity.

The central goals of the project are:

  • To help people of all ages and backgrounds use the “Where I’m From” poem as a prompt to write about experiences that shape them.
  • To bring these voices together in community.
  • To get them heard locally.
  • To create a national river of voices, reminding America that diversity is our origin and our strength."

Participants used a prompted poem outline to reflect on their origins, childhood, and ancestors.

A PDF of participant poems is available in this record.


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