Our Digital Humanity examines human life in the digital age. The 2016/17 theme provided opportunities to reflect on the role of technology in shaping the future mission of the university. This goes far beyond a debate between online and traditional teaching and learning. Rather, the university came together throughout the year to fully experience how digital media, social media and the technology of an “always connected” life impacts the humanistic inquiries of university life and learning.

The theme offered the opportunity to explore the intellectual and cultural impacts on our lives by digital technology via the multidisciplinary framework of Digital Humanities.


  • Cultivate ethical, responsible, inclusive and resilient digital citizens
  • Explore how digital tools have changed the way Winona State faculty, staff and students research, create, communicate, relate, learn and teach
  • Examine disruption across industries, communities, economies, ecologies, and other systems
  • Increase literacy of how everyday digital tools collect, process, harvest and analyze our daily human behavior
  • Consider the human costs of life in the digital age and the futures we want to create

Browse the contents of 2016-2017 Theme: Our Digital Humanity: